(ttt)-mmmmm(yy), CHANGE VOLID ON UNIT device_number FROM volume_serial_number_1 TO volume_serial_number_2


A full COPY or RESTORE onto the volume was done from the source volume without specifying COPYVOLID. The VVDS data set name in the VTOC and the volume serial of the VVR for the VVDS on the output volume were carried over from the input volume. This does not agree with the volume serial of the output volume.

System action

The VSAM data sets on the receiving volume cannot be accessed until the volume serial of the receiving volume is changed. The return code is 4.

Operator response


Programmer response

If you want to access VSAM data sets, use Device Support Facilities to change the volume serial of the receiving volume. Do not rerun the COPY or RESTORE job until the volume serial is changed because authorization checks fail.
