(xxx)-mmmmm(yy), PERMANENT {INPUT | OUTPUT} ERROR ON VOLUME volume_serial_number cchh, operation_code, csw, sense, ecb_status [return_code-reason_code]


The DASD device contained a permanent I/O error. The cchh, operation_code, csw, sense, and ecb_status are printed in hexadecimal digits. If the track was being read with DFSMSdss I/O routines, only the first eight bytes of sense are printed. If the track was being read as part of a concurrent copy operation, 32 bytes of sense and the system data mover return code (return_code) and reason code (reason_code) are supplied as diagnostic aids. See System data mover return and reason codes for explanations of the system data mover return and reason codes. DFSMSdss provides these codes in hexadecimal format.

System action

Another message explaining the ending action, if any, follows this message. The return code is 8.

Operator response


Programmer response

Take appropriate action recommended at your site for the error identified by the sense information in the message. For ecb_status of X'42', search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center for programming support.
