
The FlashCopy® Query request was issued with the REMOTE(YES) keyword. The REMOTE FlashCopy QRYDVC device is not the PPRC Secondary volume for the PPRC Primary DEVN device. The FlashCopy Query DEVN device must be the PPRC Primary volume paired with the PPRC Secondary volume specified as the REMOTE FlashCopy QRYDVC device. Any one of the following conditions can cause this error:
  • The query device serial is not the same as the PPRC Secondary device for the DEVN PPRC Primary device
  • The query device lss is not the same as the PPRC Secondary device for the DEVN PPRC Primary device
  • The query device cca/lun is not the same as the PPRC Secondary device for the DEVN PPRC Primary device
  • The query device cca specified is an alias
  • If the query device is a CKD device, the SSID ssid is not the same as the PPRC Secondary device for the DEVN PPRC Primary device

System action

The command is rejected.

System programmer response

Use the PPRC CQUERY command to determine the status of the DEVN device. If the DEVN device is a PPRC Primary volume, make sure the PPRC Secondary device information is the same as the REMOTE FlashCopy QRYDVC device information. After making any changes or corrections, resubmit the FlashCopy Query request.


ESS FlashCopy