(ttt)-mmmmm(yy), ANTRQST MACRO FAILED DURING AN FCWITHDRAW REQUEST FOR [DATA SET dsname ON | CLUSTER cluster_name COMPONENT component_name ON] VOLUME volser WITH RETURN CODE return_code AND REASON CODE reason_code RETINFO: ret_info


DFSMSdss invokes the ANTRQST macro for an FCWITHDRAW request and ANTRQST fails with the listed hex return code, reason code and return information. If a FlashCopy® relationship exists at the time of the FCWITHDRAW request, it is not successfully withdrawn.

System action

Processing continues. The return code is 4.

Operator response


Programmer response

See z/OS DFSMS Advanced Copy Services for an explanation of return_code, reason_code, and ret_info.

For a data set operation, determine which tracks the data set resides on and use the TSO FCQUERY command to determine if the FlashCopy relationship still exists. If it does, use the TSO FCWITHDR command to withdraw the tracks. See z/OS DFSMS Advanced Copy Services for more information about FlashCopy TSO commands.

For a volume operation, use the TSO FCQUERY command to determine if the FlashCopy relationship still exists. If it does, use the TSO FCWITHDR command to withdraw all the FlashCopy relationships on the entire volume.

Be aware that any FlashCopy relationship established since the COPY or DUMP operation will be affected by the TSO FCWITHDR command.
