

When a Write-to-Operator (WTO) command is encountered in the SYSIN stream, or when the DFSMSdss Cross Memory Application Interface is unable to use SYSPRINT and an information message is required, DFSMSdss issues the message with a WTO command. The WTO message is prefixed with ADR111I.

When the wto-text is DFSMSDSS SERVER DID NOT RESPOND IN ALLOTTED TIME, the DFSMSdss client application address space could not establish a connection to the DFSMSdss server address space.

When the wto-text is either JOBCAT IS NOT SUPPORTED BY DFSMSDSS SERVER or STEPCAT IS NOT SUPPORTED BY DFSMSDSS SERVER, the DFSMSdss client address space specified a JOBCAT or STEPCAT DD specification that the DFSMSdss server address space ignores.

Note: The ADR111I message is not directed to SYSPRINT. PARM='SDUMP=111' or PARM='ABEND=111' will not capture a dump when this message occurs.

System action

The system action depends on the text in wto-text. When the DFSMSdss client application address space is unable to establish a connection to the server, the client application interface returns a nonzero return code.

Operator response

Take action, if necessary, based on the WTO text.

Programmer response

Correct the problem, if necessary, and rerun the application.
