Subtype 15

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF92ACT 8 binary Time of change, STCK format.
8 8 SMF92ATY 1 binary File type as defined in BPXYFTYP.
9 9 SMF92AFLG 1 binary Flags.
10 0A * 2 binary Reserved.
12 0C SMF92AIN 4 binary File Ino number.
16 10 SMF92ADN 4 binary File system device number for the file.
20 14 SMF92AFS 44 EBCDIC File system name.
64 40 SMF92AOLDGENVAL 4 binary File's original generated values, which are the same as the values of st_GenValue from BPXYSTAT.
67 43 SMF92AOLDGENVALSECBYTE 3 binary Record flag byte.
Meaning when set
Shared library.
Program is APF authorized.
Program controlled.
68 44 MF92AOLDSECATTRSC 4 EBCDIC File's original security flags in character form: A, P, S.
68 44 SMF92AOLDATTRCHAR 1 EBCDIC The '>' delimiter.
69 45 SMF92AOLDSHRLIBC 1 EBCDIC The value is S if shared library was on.
70 46 SMF92AOLDAPFAUTHC 1 EBCDIC The value is A if APF authorized was on.
71 47 SMF92AOLDPGMCTLC 1 EBCDIC The value is P if program controlled was on.
72 48 SMF92ANEWGENVAL 4 binary New generated values after the change, which are the same as the values of st_GenValue from BPXYSTAT.
75 4B SMF92ANEWGENVALSECBYTE 1 binary Record flag byte.
Meaning when set
Shared library.
Program is APF authorized.
Program controlled.
76 4C SMF92ANEWSECATTRSC 4 EBCDIC File's new security flags in character form: A, P, S.
76 4C SMF92ANEWATTRCHAR 1 EBCDIC The '>' delimiter.
77 4D SMF92ANEWSHRLIBC 1 EBCDI The value is S if shared library is on.
78 4E SMF92ANEWAPFAUTHC 1 EBCDIC The value is A if APF authorized is on.
79 4F SMF92ANEWPGMCTLC 1 EBCDIC The value is P if Program controlled is on.
80 50 SMF92AOWNUID 4 binary File owner user ID.
84 54 SMF92AOWNGID 4 binary File owner GID.
88 58 SMF92ASECLABEL 8 EBCDIC File security label.
96 60 SMF92AAUDITFID 16 EBCDIC RACF's file ID, which is the same as the XXXX_FILE_ID in the various RACF® SMF type 80 audit records.
112 70 * 20 EBCDIC Reserved.
132 84 SMF92ACWDRC 4 binary Error return code from getcwd.
136 88 SMF92ACWDRSN 4 binary Error return code from getcwd. If the full path name of the file could not be determined, these fields contain the return and reason codes of the error. In this case, the SMF92APN field will contain the relative path name as entered by the user. SMF92APN is a full path name if SMF92ACWDRC=0.
140 8C SMF92APNL 4 binary The length of the file path name.
144 90 SMF92APN 1024 EBCDIC The file path name that is the absolute path name as entered by the user or the getcwd() value for the current working directory that is concatenated with the relative name that was entered by the user.