Self Defining Section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0   SMF998_LD_DATA _OFFSET 4 binary Offset to LPAR data section from beginning of record (including RDW)
4 4 SMF998_LD_DATA _LENGTH 2 binary Length of an LPAR data section
6 6 SMF998_LD_DATA _NUMBER 2 binary Number of LPAR data sections
8 8 SMF998_PT_DATA _OFFSET 4 binary Offset to priority table section from beginning of record (including RDW)
12 C SMF998_PT_DATA _LENGTH 2 binary Length of a priority table section
14 E SMF998_PT_DATA _NUMBER 2 binary Number of priority table sections
16 10 SMF998_PC_DATA _OFFSET 4 binary Offset to period CPU section from beginning of record (including RDW)
20 14 SMF998_PC_DATA _LENGTH 2 binary Length of a period CPU section
22 16 SMF998_PC_DATA _NUMBER 2 binary Number of period CPU sections
24 18 SMF998_IMAGE_CPU _DATA_OFFSET 4 binary Offset to image CPU section, from beginning of record (including RDW)
28 1C SMF998_IMAGE_CPU _DATA_LENGTH 2 binary Length of an image CPU section
30 1E SMF998_IMAGE_CPU _DATA_NUMBER 2 binary Number of image CPU sections
32 20 SMF998_SYSH_CPU _PLOT_OF 4 binary Offset to the SYSH CPU plot section, from beginning of record (including RDW)
36 22 SMF998_SYSH_CPU _PLOT_LN 2 binary Length of SYSH CPU plot section
38 24 SMF998_SYSH_CPU _PLOT_ON 2 binary Number of SYSH CPU plot sections