Self-Defining section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF90OSM 4 binary Offset to IPL SMF or SET SMF section from start of record, including the record descriptor word (RDW).
4 4 SMF90LSM 2 binary Length of IPL SMF or SET SMF section.
6 6 SMF90NSM 2 binary Number of IPL SMF or SET SMF sections.
8 8 SMF90ODA 4 binary Offset to data set section from the start of record, including the record descriptor word (RDW).
12 C SMF90LDA 2 binary Length of the data set section.
14 E SMF90NDA 2 binary Number of data set sections.

For subtype 9 records, this field will be zero at IPL time, and will be filled in once the MANx data sets are established and known to SMF.

16 10 SMF90OWK 4 binary Offset to subsystem section from the start of the record, including the record descriptor word (RDW).
20 14 SMF90LWK 2 binary Length of subsystem section.
22 16 SMF90NWK 2 binary Number of subsystem sections.
24 18 SMF90OOT 4 binary Offset to subsystem parameter segment.
28 1C SMF90LOT 2 binary Length of subsystem parameter segment.
30 1E SMF90NOT 2 binary Number of subsystem parameter segments.