SMF statistics section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF23BFW 4 binary Number of buffers written.
4 4 SMF23BFQ 4 binary Maximum number of buffers used at one time.
8 8 SMF23SUS 4   Reserved.
12 C SMF23RCW 4 binary Number of records written.
16 10 SMF23BFA 4 binary Amount of each buffer allocation request.
20 14 SMF23BFT 4 binary Total amount of buffer storage currently allocated (and recently used).
24 18 SMF23BFH 4 binary ‘High water mark’ of buffer storage allocation.
28 1C SMF23BFM 4 binary Buffer storage maximum in effect (BUFSIZMAX binary value).
32 20 SMF23BFL 4 binary Buffer storage usage warning level in effect (BUFUSEWARN binary value).
36 24 SMF23SFG 4 binary Statistics section flags.
Meaning when set
When bit 0 is on, it indicates that a 4-byte field, FIXED(32), is used for the accumulator for SMF23NGR. For example, field wraps at four gigabytes.

When bit 0 is off, it indicates that an 8-byte field, FIXED(64), is used for the accumulator for SMF23NGR.

When bit 1 is on, it indicates that a 4-byte field, FIXED(32), is used for the accumulator for SMF23PBG. For example, field wraps at four gigabytes.

When bit 1 is off, it indicates that an 8-byte field, FIXED(64), is used for the accumulator for SMF23PBG.

When bit 2 is on, it indicates that a 4-byte field, FIXED(32), is used for the accumulator for SMF23NFR. For example, field wraps at four gigabytes.

When bit 2 is off, it indicates that an 8-byte field, FIXED(64), is used for the accumulator for SMF23NFR.

When bit 3 is on, it indicates that a 4-byte field, FIXED(32), is used for the accumulator for SMF23PFX. For example, field wraps at four gigabytes.

When bit 3 is off, it indicates that an 8-byte field, FIXED(64), is used for the accumulator for SMF23PFX.

When bit 4 is on, it indicates that a 4-byte field, FIXED(32), is used for the accumulator for SMF231RF. For example, field wraps at four gigabytes.

When bit 4 is off, it indicates that an 8-byte field, FIXED(64), is used for the accumulator for SMF231RF.

36 24 SMF23SFG (continued) 4 binary Continued:
Meaning when set
When bit 5 is on, it indicates that a 4-byte field, FIXED(32), is used for the accumulator for SMF23NRF. For example, field wraps at four gigabytes.

When bit 5 is off, it indicates that an 8-byte field, FIXED(64), is used for the accumulator for SMF23NRF.

When bit 6 is on, it indicates that 4-byte fields, FIXED(32), are used for the accumulators (one accumulator for each CPU) for SMF23NIO . For example, value decreases from the last interval value, if one of the accumulators wrap at four gigabytes.

When bit 6 is off, it indicates that 8-byte fields, FIXED(64), are used for the accumulators (one accumulator for each CPU) for SMF23NIO.

When bit 7 is on, it indicates that 4-byte fields, FIXED(32), are used for the accumulators (one accumulator for each CPU) for SMF23TCB. For example, value decreases from the last interval value, if one of the accumulators wrap at four gigabytes.

When bit 7 is off, it indicates that 8-byte fields, FIXED(64), are used for the accumulators (one accumulator for each CPU) for SMF23TCB.

When bit 8 is on, it indicates that 4-byte fields, FIXED(32), are used for the accumulators (one accumulator for each CPU) for SMF23SRB. For example, value decreases from the last interval value, if one of the accumulators wrap at four gigabytes.

When bit 8 is off, it indicates that 8-byte fields, FIXED(64), are used for the accumulators (one accumulator for each CPU) for SMF23SRB.

Note: For bits 0–8, all accumulators are never reset for the life of the system.
40 28 SMF23NGR 8 binary Total number of getmain requests that have been issued. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 0.
48 30 SMF23PBG 8 binary Total number of pages backed during getmain requests that have been issued. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 1.
56 38 SMF23NFR 8 binary Total number of fix requests that have been issued for the storage whose address space is below two gigabytes. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 2.
64 40 SMF23PFX 8 binary Total number of frames that were requested to be fixed for the storage whose address space is below two gigabytes. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 3.
72 48 SMF231RF 8 binary Total number of first reference faults. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 4.
80 50 SMF23NRF 8 binary Total number of non-first reference faults. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 5.
88 58 SMF23NIO 8 binary Total number of I/Os for this interval. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 6.
96 60 SMF23TCB 8 binary Total number of unlocked TCB dispatches. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 7.
104 68 SMF23SRB 8 binary Total number of SRB dispatches. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 8.
112 70 SMF23NGD 4 binary Total number of getmain requests that have been issued for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23NGR.
116 74 SMF23PBD 4 binary Total number of pages backed during GETMAIN requests that have been issued for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23PBG.
120 78 SMF23NFD 4 binary Total number of fix requests that have been issued for storage (address space only) below two gigabytes for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23NFR.
124 7C SMF23PFD 4 binary Total number of frames that were requested to be fixed for storage (address space only) below two gigabytes for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23PFX.
128 80 SMF231RD 4 binary Total number of first reference faults taken for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF231RF.
132 84 SMF23NRD 4 binary Total number of non-first reference faults taken for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23NRF.
136 88 SMF23NID 8 binary Total number of I/Os for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23NIO.
144 90 SMF23TCD 8 binary Total number of unlocked TCB dispatches for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23TCB.
152 98 SMF23SRD 8 binary Total number of SRB dispatches for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23SRB.