Record Type 82 (52) — PCF Record

Record type 82 is used to record information about the events and operations of the Programmed Cryptographic Facility (PCF).

Record type 82 is written to the SMF data set at the completion of each of the following cryptography functions:

Record type 82 consists of a header section and five possible relocate sections. The header section identifies the RACF® user ID and group name or the job and step name of the non-RACF cryptography user, the cryptography function when the record describes, and the return code issued by the function. The header section is 45 bytes long.

The five possible variable relocate sections are:
Note: The number of relocate sections depends on the type of action taken. For instance, the record written when the Programmed Cryptographic Facility stops consists only of the header section. When the Programmed Cryptographic Facility has previously been initialized within the same IPL, the record written when cryptography starts consists of only the header section. The number of relocate sections is indicated in CRY82VCT (offset 37).

Macros to Symbolically Address Record Type 82: The SMF record mapping macros to symbolically address record type 82 are ICTSMF82 and ICTCRY82. ICTSMF82 maps the fields in record type 82 whose name starts with SMF. ICTCRY82 maps the fields in record type 82 whose name starts with CRY. The macros are supplied on SYS1.MACLIB.