Rank Statistics Section

There is one section per rank in a extent pool.

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 R748RRID 2 binary Rank identifier.
2 2 R748RPNM 2 binary Extent pool number.
4 4 R748RCNT 2 binary Count of arrays in rank.
6 6 R748RAIX 2 binary Index to first Array section of rank.
8 8 R748RBYR 8 l_float Rank 128 KB read.
16 10 R748RBYW 8 l_float Rank 128 KB write.
24 18 R748RROP 8 l_float Rank read operations.
32 20 R748RWOP 8 l_float Rank write operations.
40 28 R748RKRT 8 l_float Rank read response time in units of 16 milliseconds.
48 30 R748RKWT 8 l_float Rank write response time in units of 16 milliseconds.
56 38 R748RTQ 1 binary Rank type qualifier:
Meaning when set
Data encrypted rank