Plot Section

Each plot counter entry contains two fields: scale and count. The scale field refers to the value along the vertical line on the JMF report. The count field can be used to calculate the points on the horizontal line.

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 R84PLTLN 4 binary Length of Plot section.
4 4 R84JOBCG 4 binary Number of job sample counts.
8 8 R84INITN 4 binary Number of plots for “jobs being processed by main processor”.
12 C R84INITO 4 binary Offset to the first entry of “jobs being processed by main processor”.
16 10 R84RQNXN 4 binary Number of plots for “job queue length by JES3 function”.
20 14 R84RQNXO 4 binary Offset to first entry of “job queue length by JES3 function”.
24 18 R84DCLSN 4 binary Number of plots for “Allocated JES3 devices by device class”.
28 1C R84DCLSO 4 binary Offset to first entry of “Allocated JES3 devices by device class”.
32 20 R84SETNN 4 binary Number of plots for “Allocated JES3 devices by setname”.
36 24 R84SETNO 4 binary Offset to the first entry of “Allocated JES3 devices by setname”.
40 28 R84JCLSN 4 binary Number of plots for “Jobs being processed by job class group”.
44 2C R84JCLSO 4 binary Offset to the first entry of “Jobs being processed by job class group”.