Interruption Request Block Header Section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 R84NIRBO 4 binary Offset of the first nucleus task IRB table entry.
4 4 R84NIRBC 4 binary Total number of JES3 IRBs in JES3 nucleus task.
8 8 R84NTOTA 4 binary Total number of active nucleus task IRB entries.
12 C R84NTOTS 4 binary Total number of suspended nucleus task IRB entries.
16 10 R84NTOTO 4 binary Total number of IN-OS-WAIT IRB entries in JES3 nucleus task.
20 14 R84AIRBO 4 binary Offset of the first auxiliary task IRB table entry.
24 18 R84AIRBC 4 binary Total number of JES3 IRBs in JES3 auxiliary task.
28 1C R84ATOTA 4 binary Total number of active auxiliary task IRB entries.
32 20 R84ATOTS 4 binary Total number of suspended auxiliary task IRB entries.
36 24 R84ATOTO 4 binary Total number of IN-OS-WAIT IRB entries in JES3 auxiliary task.
40 28 R84IRBFG 1 binary Miscellaneous flag for the IRB section
Nucleus task IRB table has overflowed
Auxiliary task IRB table has overflowed.
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