Header/Self-defining Section

This section contains the common SMF record headers fields and the triplet fields (offset/length/number), if applicable, that locate the other sections on the record.

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 TLGRLEN 2 binary Record length. This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the RDW (record descriptor word). See Standard SMF record header for a detailed description.
2 2 TLGRSEG 2 binary Segment descriptor.
4 4 TLGRFLG 1 binary System indicator:
Meaning when set
Version indicators*

*See Standard SMF record header for a detailed description.

5 5 TLGRCDTY 1 binary Record type 35 (X'23').
6 6 TLGRCDTS 4 binary Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, that the record was moved to the SMF writer. This is the logoff time.
10 A TLGRCDTE 4 packed Date when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF. See Standard SMF record header for a detailed description. This is the logoff date.
14 E TLGPUID 4 EBCDIC System identification (taken from SID parameter).
18 12 TLGUIF 8 EBCDIC Job name.
26 1A TLGONTME 4 binary Logon time, in hundredths of a second.
30 1E TLGONDTE 4 packed Logon date, in the form 0cyydddF. See Standard SMF record header for a detailed description.
34 22 TLGUDATA 8 EBCDIC User-defined identification field (taken from common exit parameter area, not from USER=parameter on job statement).
42 2A TLGSTPCT 1 binary Number of steps in session. (This field always equals 1.)
43 2B TLGCRTME 4   Reserved.
47 2F TLGOUTCT 4 binary Number of lines of terminal output, that is, number of TPUTs issued.
51 33 TLGINCT 4 binary Number of lines of terminal input, that is, number of TGETs satisfied.
55 37 TLGSTAT 2 binary Job completion code:

X‘0ccc’ indicates system ABEND where ccc is the system (See z/OS MVS System Codes.)

X‘8ccc’ indicates user ABEND where ccc is the user ABEND code.

X‘nnnn’ indicates normal completion where nnnn is the contents of the two low-order bytes in register 15 at termination.

X‘0000’ indicates normal job completion with return code of 0.

Use this field in conjunction with the job termination indicator field (offset 66).

57 39 TLGPRI 1 binary Logon priority. This field normally equals the user-assigned priority of 0-13, but if the job fails while being scheduled, this field equals 14 (taken from the PRTY parameter on the JOB card). If no value is specified for the PRTY parameter on the JOB card, this field contains:
  • For JES3, the default priority specified on the JES3 STANDARDS initialization card
  • For JES2, a zero

JES2 does not use the priority value reported in this field. (The JES2 job selection priority is requested by the JES2 /*PRIORITY control statement.)

58 3A TLGNQTME 4 binary Logon enqueue time, in hundredths of a second.
62 3E TLGNQDTE 4 packed Logon enqueue date, in the form 0cyydddF. See Standard SMF record header for a detailed description.
66 42 TLGTRMI 1 binary Job termination indicator
Meaning when set
Canceled at exit IEFUJV
Canceled at exit IEFUJI
Canceled at exit IEFUSI
If 0, normal completion. If 1, abnormal termination
67 43 TLGOUTCL 1   Reserved.
68 44 TLGTRANT 4 binary Job transaction residency time, in 1024-microsecond units. That is the total amount of time all transactions were in central storage.
72 48 TLGRVC 4   Reserved.
76 4C TLGSPK 1 binary Storage protect key, in the form xxxx0000 where xxxx is the key.
77 4D TLGSRBT 3 binary Job CPU time under SRBs, in hundredths of a second. This field includes the CPU time for various supervisory routines that are dispatched from SRB: locking routines, page resolution, swap control, cross-memory communications (WAIT, POST, I/O POST), and TQE scheduling. CPU time may not be constant between different runs of the same job.
80 50 TLGTJS 4 binary Job service, in service units.
84 54 TLGTTAT 4 binary Job transaction active time, in 1024-microsecond units.
88 58 TLGNTSN 4 binary Number of transactions.
92 5C TLGPGNO 2 binary Beginning with z/OS® V1R3, this field is always zero.
94 5E TLGRV2 2   Reserved.
96 60 TLGVAR 1 binary Length of rest of record, excluding this field.
97 61 TLGRVB 20   Reserved.
117 75 TLGCPUTM 3 binary Job CPU time under TCBs, in hundredths of a second. This field includes the CPU time for all tasks that are dispatched from TCBs below the level of RCT.
120 78 TLGNBRAC 1 binary Number of accounting fields.
121 79 TLGACFLD variable EBCDIC Accounting fields. Each entry for an accounting field contains the length of the field (one byte, binary) followed by the field (EBCDIC). A zero indicates an omitted field.