ARD and ARDJ data section

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 R792ASID 2 binary Address space identifier.
2 2 R792JBN 8 EBCDIC Name of job.
10 A R792DMN 2 binary Reserved.
12 C R792NPG 2 binary Reserved.
14 E R792CL 2 EBCDIC Current location
Out queue/delayed
In storage
Logically swapped out
Swapped out and ready
Wait queue/long wait
Wait queue/MSO
Wait queue/reasons other than WM, WL, or WT
Wait queue/terminal wait
Transitioning out
Transitioning in.
16 10 R792TAS 2 binary Type of user
Started task
Mount task
OMVS address space.
18 12 R792TRC 2 binary Transaction count.
20 14 R792TTOD 4 binary Transaction elapsed time, in milliseconds.
24 18 R792PRFX 4 binary Number of private fixed frames.
28 1C   2   Reserved.
30 1E R792SVAR 4 binary SRM service absorption rate for step.
34 22 R792TCPU 4 binary Total TCB time for step, in milliseconds.
38 26 R792PSS1 4 binary High order word - CPU page seconds, in milliseconds. One page in storage for one second is one page second.
42 2A R792PSS2 4 binary Low order word - step product of frame, in milliseconds. One page in storage for one second is one page second.
46 2E R792EJST 4 binary Total processor time (TCB+SRB), in milliseconds.
50 32 R792TSRM 4 binary Total SRM service for job or session.
54 36 R792RTM 4 binary Resident time for step, in milliseconds.
58 3A R792EXCP 2 binary EXCP count for this step.
60 3C R792CMNI 4 binary Number of common pages for current transaction.
64 40 R792PNV 4 binary Number of non-VIO pages for current transaction.
68 44 R792PVIO 4 binary Number of VIO pages for current transaction.
72 48 R792FXBL 4 binary Number of fixed frames below 16 megabytes.
76 4C R792PSWP 4 binary Number of pages swapped in and out for current transaction.
80 50 R792LPAI 4 binary Number of link pack area (LPA) pages paged in for current transaction.
84 54 R792CSAI 4 binary Number of CSA pages paged in for current transaction.
88 58 R792LSQA 4 binary Number of fixed local system queue area (LSQA) fixed frames.
92 5C R792NLQF 4 binary Number of non-local system queue area (LSQA) fixed frames.
96 5E R792TDEV 4 binary Total device connect time in milliseconds.
100 64   2   Reserved.
102 66 R792PIN 4 binary Page-in count.
106 6A R792TRTM 4 binary Transaction residency time.
110 6E R792FLG 1 binary Flags
Meaning when set
Cross-memory address space
Incorrect RSM data obtained for address space
If ON: this address space is a server address space

If OFF: goal specified for this address space is being honored by WLM

Address space has been quiesced by a RESET command
Address space matched a classification rule in the active policy which prevents managing the region based on the response time goals of its served transactions
Server has temporal affinity to clients.
111 6F R792FLG2 1 binary Additional bits.
Meaning when set
Service class assigned by classification, or RESET SRVCLASS was designated CPU-critical in the active policy.
Address space matched a classification rule in the active policy which was designated storage-critical.
Address space is serving transactions which belong to a service class that was designated storage-critical in the active policy's classification rules, or is running in SYSTEM/SYSSTC.
CPU protection was assigned either to the address space or to transaction service classes being served by the space.
Storage protection was assigned either to the address space or to transaction service classes being served by the space.
The dispatching priority of the address space is currently promoted due to a chronic resource contention.
Address space is a CICS® TOR that matched a classification rule in the active policy which allows managing the region based on the region goals but also ensures that completed transactions are reported and used for management of the CICS AORs.
112 70 R792LSQR 4 binary Local system queue area (LSQA) pages in central storage.
116 74 R792LSQE 4 binary Local system queue area (LSQA) pages in expanded storage.
120 78 R792ARS 4 binary Average number of real frames for step.
124 7C R792TWSS 4 binary SRM target working set size for this job.
128 80 R792PHSP 4 binary Number of hiperspace pages for the current transaction.
132 84 R792EXCT 4 binary EXCP count for this step.
136 88 R792SCL 8 EBCDIC Service class name.
144 90 R792SCP 2 binary Service class period.
146 92 R792WKLD 8 EBCDIC Workload name.
154 9A R792RGRP 8 EBCDIC Resource group name.
162 A2   2   Reserved.
164 A4 R792TCPC 4 binary Total CPU time consumed in this address space, in milliseconds.
168 A8 R792ASST 4 binary CPU time consumed by preemptible-class SRBs running on behalf of this address space, in milliseconds.
172 AC R792PHTM 4 binary CPU time consumed by preemptible-class SRBs running in this address space, in milliseconds.
176 B0 R792FXAB 4 binary Number of fixed frames between 16M and 2G (z/Architecture® mode).
180 B4 R792TIFA 4 binary CPU time in milliseconds consumed on zAAPs.
184 B8 R792TCP 4 binary CPU time in milliseconds consumed on standard CPs. Only valid if zAAPs or zIIPs are in the configuration.
188 BC R792TIFC 4 binary CPU time in milliseconds consumed on standard CPs by work that was eligible for zAAP.
192 C0 R792NFFI 4 binary Normalization factor for zAAP time. Used to convert between real zAAP times and "normalized" zAAP times, that is, the equivalent time on a standard CP. Multiply R792TIFA by this value and divide by 256 to calculate the normalized zAAP time.
196 C4 R792TSUP 4 binary CPU time in milliseconds consumed on zIIPs.
200 C8 R792TSUC 4 binary CPU time in milliseconds consumed on standard CPs by work that was eligible for zIIP.
204 CC R792NFFS 4 binary Normalization factor for zIIP time. Used to convert between real zIIP times and "normalized" zIIP times, that is, the equivalent time on a standard CP. Multiply R792TSUP by this value and divide by 256 to calculate the normalized zIIP time.
208 D0 R792EXCW 8 binary EXCP count (double word).
216 D8 R792PHTA 4 binary zAAP-only equivalent of R792PHTM. This is normalized time.
220 DC R792PHTI 4 binary zIIP-only equivalent of R792PHTM. This is normalized time.
224 E0 R792FLG3 1 binary Additional flags.
Meaning when set
Service class was assigned by classification, or RESET SRVCLASS belongs to I/O priority group HIGH in the active policy.
I/O priority group HIGH was assigned either to the address space or to transaction service classes served by the address space.
225 E1   3   Reserved.