
The title (1-100 characters) you want the dump to have. This title becomes the first record in the dump data set. COMM and TITLE are synonyms.
Note: The system determines the title of a dump as follows:
  • A title specified in the DUMP command (for example, DUMP TITLE="DUMP Specified via WTOR") takes precedence over a title specified within a parmlib member.
  • When you do not specify a title in the DUMP command, the title specified within a parmlib member takes precedence.
  • If you specify titles in multiple parmlib members, the title in the first parmlib member takes precedence. For example, if all of the parmlib members in PARMLIB = (RA,XC,CF) are titled, the dump title is the one specified in the RA parmlib member.
  • With no title specified in the DUMP command or parmlib members, the title becomes DUMP FOR PARMLIB=(xx,yy,zz), where xx,yy,zz are the parmlib members.
PARMLIB=xx | PARMLIB=(xx[,xx]…)]
If the installation has set up DUMP command parmlib members (IEADMCxx parmlib members), you can avoid having to reply with many dump options by instead specifying the suffixes of one or more IEADMCxx parmlib members. When you do this, the system concatenates the contents of the IEADMCxx parmlib members together. If each parmlib member contains a title, the first title in the sequence is used. If specified on the DUMP command, the TITLE= parameter supercedes the titles in the parmlib members.

For example, if parmlib member IEADMCTC represents dump options for a base TCP/IP configuration, and IEADMCTA contains additional dump options to append to the base settings, issuing the command DUMP PARMLIB=(TC,TA) will get you the base options plus the additional options.

If you do not specify the PARMLIB= parameter, the system prompts you with the following message for the dump options you want to specify:

For information on setting up IEADMCxx parmlib members, and on using the IBM-supplied sample IEADMCxx parmlib members, see z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids.

You may specify one or more symbol definitions for use within dump command parmlib members by specifying the SYMDEF= keyword. symdef should take the form &symbol.='value'. The value passed within the &symbol.='value' parameter will be parsed as if specified within an IEASYMxx member; symbolic substringing, defining a symbol using a previously defined symbol, and character conventions are recognized, including upper and lower case. For example:
  1. You can override existing symbols by specifying a double ampersand. If you do not use the double ampersand when specifying an existing symbol, it is ignored and a warning message is issued.
  2. When specifying the substitution text, you need to observe the same rules as you define it within the IEASYMxx members. For example, the length of the resolved substitution text cannot exceed the length of &symbol, including the ampersand on &symbol and excluding the single quotation marks on 'value'. In addition, all specified symbols must be unique. Specifying the same symbol for multiple times will result in unexpected behavior.

    For more information about the rules of defining symbols, see the IEASYMxx parmlib member in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.

The syntax of a DUMP command specified within the IEADMCxx members of Parmlib is identical to that specified on the DUMP command through writes to operator with reply (WTORs).