z/OS MVS Using the Subsystem Interface
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Input parameters

z/OS MVS Using the Subsystem Interface

Input parameters for the function routine are:
  • SSOB
  • SSIB
SSOB Contents: The caller sets the following fields in the SSOB control block on input:
Field Name
Identifier ‘SSOB’
Length of the SSOB (SSOBHSIZ) control block
SSI function code 85 (SSOBSSJM)
Address of an SSIB control block or zero (if this field is zero, the life-of-job SSIB is used). See Subsystem Identification Block (SSIB) for more information on the life-of-job SSIB.
Address of the function-dependent area (IAZSSST control block).
Set all other fields in the SSOB control block to binary zeros before issuing the IEFSSREQ macro.
SSIB Contents: If you do not use the life-of-job SSIB, the caller must provide an SSIB and set the following fields in the SSIB control block on input:
Field Name
Identifier ‘SSIB’
Length of the SSIB (SSIBSIZE) control block
Subsystem name — name of the subsystem to which this extended status function call is directed (or MSTR if it is to be broadcast).
Set all other fields in the SSIB control block to binary zeros before issuing the IEFSSREQ macro.

IAZSSJM Contents: The caller must set the following fields in the IAZSSJM control block on input:

Specify SSJM1CHR and SSJMZOMO to identify for the SSI service which characters in selection EBCDIC strings are wildcard characters. If SSJM1CHR and SSJMZOMO are not specified, the default wildcard characters are "?" for SSJM1CHR and "*" for SSJMZOMO. If either value is not X'00' (if either is specified), then both provided values are used even if one value is X'00'.

It is an error to specify equal values for SSJM1CHR and SSJMZOMO, unless the equal values are X'00'. If both values are X'00', the default values are used.

Job Modification Action Input Parameters: The following fields specify input parameters used to define the job modification action to be taken on selected jobs. These fields are only relevant when their corresponding job modify action is requested. Fields SSJMOPT1 and SSJMTYPE are supplied for any job modify action.

Input processing option:
ON - Return output in 64-bit virtual storage.
SYNC request (ON) or ASYNC request (OFF).
The input request type:
Request type
Hold selected jobs.
Release selected jobs.
Purge selected jobs.
Cancel selected jobs.
Start selected jobs.
Restart selected jobs.
SPIN selected jobs.
Change characteristics of selected jobs.
Change execution node of selected jobs.
Release storage.

SSJMHOLD, SSJMRLS and SSJMSTRT are job modify actions that do not require additional input parameters. The remaining action types require additional input parameters, and are described below.

Job purge (SSJMPRG) option flags:
Perform a protected cancel/purge of the jobs.
Job cancel (SSJMCANC) option flags:
Dump the cancelled jobs if waiting for conversion, in conversion, or in execution.
Perform a protected cancel/purge of the jobs.
Force cancel the jobs, even if marked.
Request that automatic restart management automatically restart the selected jobs after they are cancelled.
Purge output of the cancelled jobs.
Job restart (SSJMRST) option flags:
Cancel and hold the restarted jobs prior to execution.
Restart the selected jobs at the next processing step once the current step completes.
Hold and re-queue the restarted jobs for execution once the current step completes.
Job SPIN (SSJMSPIN) option flags:
SPIN only the data set specified in SSJMTSDN. Otherwise, SPIN all eligible data sets.
If SSJMTSDD is ON, specifies the data set name to SPIN.
Change Execution Node (SSJMNODE) request: the name of the node to route jobs to.
Change characteristics (SSJMJCHR) request options:
Change the job class of the selected jobs to the class specified in SSJMJBCL.
Change the service class of the selected jobs to the class specified in SSJMSVCL.
Change WLM scheduling environment of the selected jobs to the WLM scheduling environment specified in SSJMSCEV.
Change the priority of the selected jobs to the priority specified in SSJMJPRI (absolute priority). Mutually exclusive with SSJMCPRR.
Change the priority of the selected jobs to the current priority PLUS the value in SSJMJPRI (relative priority - SSJMJPRI can be negative). Mutually exclusive with SJMCPRA.
Mark that selected jobs are offloaded on offload devices specified (by number) in the SSJMOLST offload device list. Mutually exclusive with SSJMCNOF.
Mark that selected jobs are NOT offloaded on offload devices specified (by number) in the SSJMOLST offload device list. Mutually exclusive with SSJMCOFL.
Change characteristics (SSJMJCHR) affinity options:
Selected jobs are eligible to run on ANY member (SYSAFF=ANY).
REPLACE the affinity list of selected jobs using the members listed in the SSJMCMBP affinity member list.
ADD TO the current affinity list of selected jobs using the members listed in the SSJMCMBP affinity member list.
DELETE FROM the current affinity list of selected jobs using the members listed in the SSJMCMBP affinity member list.
Change job class of selected jobs to this value. This option is only relevant when the SSJMCJBC option bit is set.
Change service class of selected jobs to this value. This option is only relevant when the SSJMCSVC option bit is set.
Change WLM scheduling environment of selected jobs to this value. This option is only relevant when the SSJMCSCH option bit is set.
List of offload device numbers. Each value is 1 byte and can have a value from 1-8. The list terminates with a 0. This option is only relevant when the SSJMCOFL or SSJMCNOF option bit is set.
Change priority of the selected jobs using this value. This option is only relevant when the SSJMCPRA (absolute) or SSJMCPRR (relative) option bit is set. This value can be negative for processing a relative request.
Member name count. This option is only relevant when one of the SSJMCRPL, SSJMCADD, or SSJMCDEL options are specified.
Pointer to 4-byte member name list. This option is only relevant when one of the SSJMCRPL, SSJMCADD, or SSJMCDEL options are specified. This list is a count followed by a pointer to a list of 4 byte member names. For example, to set 'MB1','MB2','MB3', set:
  • SSJMJMLN = F'3' 3 members in the list
  • SSJMJMMP = A(MBRLIST) Pointer to member list
  • MBRLIST = CL4'MB1 ',CL4'MB2 ',CL4'MB3 '
'* ' can be specified to denote the issuing member instead of explicitly specifying a member name. Optionally, Independent mode (SYSAFF=IND) can also be specified in the list using 'IND '.

Job Filter Indicator Input Parameters: The following fields specify indicators of which job filters to use to select jobs to be processed.

Field Name
One byte value that indicates a one character wild card.
One byte value that indicates a zero or more characters wild card
Flag byte which describes the filters to use to select jobs. Each bit corresponds to a filter field which must match any job returned.
Bit Name
Apply job class filter in SSJMCLSL or SSJMCLSP. Only one class needs to match. If only specifying one class, it must be specified in SSJMCLSL.
Use SSJMDEST and SSJMDSTP as filters (Match any one dest). Apply default destination filter in SSJMDEST or SSJMDSTP. Only one destination needs to match. If only specifying one destination it must be specified in SSJMDEST.
Apply job name filter in SSJMJOBN or SSJMJBNP. Only one job name needs to match. If only specifying one job name it must be specified in SSJMJOBN. SSJMSJBN or SSJMSJBI cannot be specified with SSJMSJIL.
Apply job ID filters in SSJMJBIL and SSJMJBIH. SSJMSJBI cannot be specified with SSJMSCTK, SSJMSJIL, SSJMSJBI or SSJMSCOR.
Apply original job ID filter in SSJMOJBI.
Apply current owner filter in SSJMOWNR.
Apply current SECLABEL filter in SSJMSECL.
Flag byte which describes the type of jobs for which data is requested.
Bit Name
Started tasks are selected.
Time sharing users are selected.
Batch jobs are selected.
APPC initiators are selected. Because APPC initiators are also started tasks they are also returned if SSJMSSTC is specified. Use only SSJMSAPC to select only APPC initiators.
Flag byte which describes the filters to use to select jobs. Each bit either corresponds to a filter field which must match any job returned or is a criteria for selecting jobs to return.
Bit Name
Apply JES job priority filter in SSJMPRIO.
Apply SPOOL volume filters in SSJMVOL.
Use SSJMPHAZ and SSJMPHZP as filters (match any one phase).
Select jobs that are currently held. Setting both SSJMSHLD and SSJMSNHL on is the same as setting both bits off.
Select jobs that are not currently held. Setting both SSJMSNHL and SSJMSHLD on is the same as setting both bits off.
Only jobs active on the system listed in SSJMSYS are returned.
Only jobs active on the JES member listed in SSJMMEMB are returned.
Flag byte which describes the filters to use to select jobs. Each bit corresponds to a filter field which must match any job returned.
Bit Name
Apply origin node filter in SSJMORGN.
Apply execution node filter in SSJMXEQN.
Apply WLM service class filter in SSJMSRVC. When filtering by service class and not filtering by job number (SSJMSJBI) nor job phase (SSJMSPHZ), only jobs on the service class queue specified in SSJMSRVC are returned. When filtering on job number or job phase, any job assigned the service class specified in SSJMSRVC is returned (even if the job is not in a WLM-managed job class). Service classes are only available if the job has completed conversion processing and has not completed execution processing.
Apply scheduling environment filter in SSJMSENV.
Apply job class filter in SSJMCLSL and SSJMCLSP only to jobs in SSJM-SELECT or SSJM-ONMAIN phase.
Do not apply job name filter in SSJMJOBN and SSJMJBNP and job id filters in SSJMJBIL and SSJMJBIH to jobs that created OUTPUT with STST1APC on. SSJMSOJD cannot be specified with SSJMSJIL.
Use SSJMJBNP as a list of 8 character JES JOBIDs for which information is to be returned. The complete list is specified using SSJMJBNP. JOBIDs cannot be specified using SSJMJBIL and SSJMJBIH when SSJMSJIL is specified. SSJMSJIL cannot be specified with SSJMSJBN, SSJMSJBI, SSJMSCTK, SSJMSTPI, SSJMSTPN, SSJMSOJD or SSJMSCOR.
Flag byte which describes the filters to use to select jobs. Each bit corresponds to a filter field which must match any job returned.
Bit Name
Use SSJMJCRP as a pointer to a job correlator filter. SSJMSCOR cannot be specified with SSJMSJBI, SSJMSCTK or SSJMSJIL.

SYSOUT Filter Indicator Input Parameters: The following fields specify additional SYSOUT filters used to select jobs to be processed. All output owned by the job will be visited and compared to the filtering criteria. If ANY output matches the filter criteria, the job will be selected.

Flag byte which describes the SYSOUT filters to use to select jobs to modify. Each bit corresponds to a filter field which must match for the job to be selected for modification. Only jobs with SYSOUT that match the specified filters are selected.
Bit Name
Use the SYSOUT token in SSJMCTKN as a filter. SYSOUT tokens can be obtained from dynamic allocation or field SSJMCTKN from a previous extended status request. SSJMSCTK cannot be specified with SSJMSJBI or SSJMSCOR.
Apply the SYSOUT owner filter in SSJMSCRE.
Apply the SYSOUT destination filter in SSJMSDES. SSJMSDSP also contains additional SYSOUT destination filters. Mutually exclusive with SSJMSSLC or SSJMSSNT.
Apply the SYSOUT class filter in SSJMSCLA. SSJMSCLP also contains additional SYSOUT class filters.
Apply the SYSOUT external writer filter in SSJMSWTR.
Select held SYSOUT.
Select non-held SYSOUT.
Note: Setting SSJMSSHL and SSJMSSNH both ON has the same effect as setting them both off.
Flag byte that describes the SYSOUT filters to use to select jobs to modify. Only jobs with SYSOUT that match the specified filters are selected for modification.
Apply the SYSOUT forms name filter in SSJMSFOR.
Apply the SYSOUT PRMODE filter in SSJMSPRM.
Apply the Select SPIN output only filter in SSJMSSSP. SSJMSSSP and SSJMSSNS are mutually exclusive. If SSJMSSSP and SSJMSSNS are both ON or both OFF, then the spin state of the output will not be considered.
Apply the non-SPIN output only filter in SSJMSSNS. SSJMSSSP and SSJMSSNS are mutually exclusive. If SSJMSSSP and SSJMSSNS are both ON or both OFF, then the spin state of the output will not be considered.
Select SYSOUT elements that are routed to an IP address.
Select SYSOUT elements that are not routed to an IP address.
When on with SSJMSSOW, it indicates to match if SYSOUT is destined to SSJMSCRE on the local node.
  • If JES2 is running with checkpoint mode z2 in R11 and SSJMSJBN is on, it indicates to match if SYSOUT is destined to SSJMJOBN or SSJMJBNP on the local node (ignored if SSJMSJBN is off).
  • If JES2 is running with checkpoint mode z11 in R11 and SSJMSJBN and SSJMSTPN are on, it indicates to match if SYSOUT is destined to SSJMJOBN, SSJMJBNP or transaction job name on the local node (ignored if SSJMSJBN is off).
More SYSOUT selection criteria.
Select SYSOUT that is destined to the local node. If SSJMSSLC and SSJMSSNT are both on or both off, then the destination of the output will not be considered. However, either bit being on is mutually exclusive with SSJMSSDS being set.
Select SYSOUT that is not destined to the local node. If SSJMSSLC and SSJMSSNT are both on or both off, then the destination of the output will not be considered. However, either bit being on is mutually exclusive with SSJMSSDS being set.
For selection purposes, treat SYSOUT destined to an NJE node as OUTDISP of WRITE regardless of the actual OUTDISP. This has no effect if SSJMSWRT, SSJMSHOL, SSJMSKEP and SSJMSLVE are all on or all off.
Select output that has an OUTDISP of WRITE.
Select output that has an OUTDISP of HOLD.
Select output that has an OUTDISP of KEEP.
Select output that has an OUTDISP of LEAVE.
Note: Setting SSJMSWRT, SSJMSHOL, SSJMSKEP and SSJMSLVE all on has the same effect as setting them all off.
SSJMSSL4 is used to support filtering of jobs based on transaction name, transaction job id, or transaction owner.
Transaction job name filtering. SSJMSTPN cannot be specified with SSJMSJIL. If this bit is on, jobs with SYSOUT associated with a transaction job name that matches SSJMJOBN or SSJMJBNP are selected for modification. The SSJMSTPN bit is ignored if one of the following situations occurs:
  • SSJMSJBN is not set.
  • SSJMSOJD is not set.
  • JES2 is not running with checkpoint mode z11.
Transaction job ID filtering. SSJMSTPI cannot be specified with SSJMSJIL.
  • If SSJMSTPI is not set, only jobs with SYSOUT that has a job ID in the range specified by SSJMJBIL and SSJMJBIH are selected.
  • If SSJMSTPI is set, jobs with SYSOUT associated with a SYSOUT data set with a transaction job ID are also selected. The job ID is in the range specified by SSJMJBIL and SSJMJBIH.
The SSJMSTPI bit is ignored if one of the following situations occurs:
  • SSJMSJBI is not set.
  • SSJMSOJD is not set.
  • JES2 is not running with checkpoint mode z11.
SYSOUT owner filtering. If this bit is on, jobs with SYSOUT that are associated with a SYSOUT data set whose transaction owner matches SSJMOWNR are returned. The SSJMSTPU bit is ignored if one of the following situations occurs:
  • SSJMSOWN is not set.
  • JES2 is not running with checkpoint mode z11.
If SYSOUT is destined to SSJMJOBN or SSJMJBNP on the local node, SSJMSSJ1 indicates to match using the first jobname supplied in SSJMJOBN in the following situations:
  • If SSJMSSJ1 is on with SSJMSJBN
  • If SSJMSTPN is on with SSJMSJBN
SSJMSSJ1 is ignored if SSJMSJBN is off.

Job Filter Value Input Parameters: The following fields specify job filter values used to select jobs to be processed. These fields are only relevant when the corresponding job filter indicator request bit is set.

Job name filter (used if SSJMSJBN is set). The name is 1-8 characters, left justified, and padded on the right with blanks. The generic characters ‘*’ and ‘?’ are allowed.
Low job ID value (used if SSJMSJBI is set). The job ID is left justified and padded on the right with blanks. When SSJMJBIL is 2-8 characters and starts with one of the prefixes 'I', 'IN', 'INT', ’J’, ’JO’, ’JOB’, ’T’, ’TS’, ’TSU’, ’S’, ’ST’, ’STC’ or '*', then the suffix is converted to a binary value. Job IDs with a suffix matching the SSJMJBIL suffix are returned. The prefix character '*' is not allowed for verbose requests.

When SSJMJBIL contains 1-8 characters with one or more generic characters '*' and '?', and EBCDIC characters A-Z; 0-9; or national characters @, #, $, then job IDs, as returned in STTRJID, that match a 1-8 character EBCDIC comparison with SSJMJBIL are returned. A single character SSJMJBIL with '*' or '?' is not allowed. SSJMJBIH must be blank. Generics characters '*' or '?' are not allowed for verbose requests.

When SSJMSTPI is set and SSJMJBIL is 2-8 characters starting with the prefix '*', then the suffix is converted to a binary value. Transaction job IDs with a suffix matching the SSJMJBIL suffix are also returned.

When SSJMSTPI is set and SSJMJBIL contains 1-8 EBCDIC characters A-Z; 0-9; national characters @, #, $; or generic characters '*' and '?', then transaction job IDs, as returned in STSAJID, that match a 1-8 character EBCDIC comparison with SSJMJBIL are also returned. A single character SSJMJBIL with '*' or '? is not allowed. When generic characters are used, SSJMJBIH must be blank.

High job ID value (used if SSJMSJBI is set). If this field is not specified, then information is only returned using the filter specified in SSJMJBIL. When SSJMJBIH is 2-8 characters and starts with one of the prefixes 'I', 'IN', 'INT', ’J’, ’JO’, ’JOB’, ’T’, ’TS’, ’TSU’, ’S’, ’ST’, ’STC’, then the suffix is converted to a binary value. Job IDs with a suffix within the range from the SSJMJBIL suffix through the SSJMJBIH suffix are returned. Generics characters '*' or '?' are not allowed.

When SSJMSTPI is set, EBCDIC characters A-Z; 0-9; and national characters @, #, $ are allowed. Job IDs, as returned in STTRJID, and transaction job IDs, as returned in STSAJID, within the 1-8 character EBCDIC range from SSJMJBIL through SSJMJBIH, are returned. Generics characters '*' or '?' are not allowed.

See Table 1. Numeric matches are in normal font, EBCDIC matches are in italicized font.

Table 1. Examples of jobs returned for SSJMJBIL when SSJMJBIH is blank.
SSJMJBIL Examples of standard job ID matches Examples of transaction job ID matches if SSJMSTPI is on
JOB00100 Numeric match(es): JOB00100 or TSU00100, and so on. EBCDIC match(es): not applicable. Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es):JOB00100
J100 Numeric match(es): JOB00100 or TSU00100, and so on. EBCDIC match(es): not applicable. Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es):J100.
A100 Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es): not applicable. Error if SSJMSTPI is not on. Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es):A100
*0000100 Numeric match(es): JOB00100 or TSU00100, and so on. EBCDIC match(es): no additional matches. Numeric match(es): JOB00100, A0000100, Z100, ZZZZZ100, and so on. EBCDIC match(es): no additional matches.
*100 Numeric match(es): JOB00100 or INT00100, and so on. EBCDIC match(es): JOB09100, T9999100, and so on. Numeric match(es): JOB00100, A0000100, Z100, and so on. EBCDIC match(es): JOB09100, T9999100, Z99100, and so on.
*5555555 Numeric match(es): J5555555 or T5555555, and so on. EBCDIC match(es): no additional matches. Numeric match(es): J5555555, A5555555, Z5555555, and so on. EBCDIC match(es): 55555555
*555555 Numeric match(es): JO555555 or ST555555 and so on. EBCDIC match(es), T9555555, J8555555, and so on. Numeric match(es):JO555555, ZZ555555, and so on. EBCDIC match(es): Z5555555, 55555555, and so on.
J* Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es): JOB00100, JO123456, J7654321. Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es):JOB00100, JO123456, J7654321, J9, JAMES, and so on.
?OB00100 Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es) JOB00100. Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es):JOB00100, ZOB00100, and so on.
?0000100 Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es): not applicable. Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es):A0000100, Z0000100, and so on.
?11 Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es): not applicable. Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es):A11, 911, and so on.
?1? Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es): not applicable. Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es):A1A, B11, and so on.
*0001?0 Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es): not applicable. Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es):A0000110, Z00001A0, K0001J0, KT0001P0, and so on.
10* Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es): not applicable. Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es):10000000, 10A, and so on.
ZZ#00100 Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es): not applicable. Error if SSJMSTPI is not on. Numeric match(es): not applicable. EBCDIC match(es):ZZ#00100
Job ID value originally assigned to the job (used if SSJMSOJI is set). The original job ID can differ from the current job ID if the job was sent using NJE. The job ID is 2-8 characters, left justified, and padded on the right with blanks. The JOBID must start with either the character ‘J’ or ‘JOB’ a is followed by the original job number.
Current user ID that the security product has assigned as owner of the job (used if SSJMSOWN is set). The owner is 1-8 character, left justified, and padded on the right with blanks. The generic characters ‘*’ and ‘?’ are allowed.
Current SECLABEL that the security product has assigned to the job (used if SSJMSSEC is set). The SECLABEL is 1-8 character, left justified, and padded on the right with blanks. The generic characters ‘*’ and ‘?’ are allowed.
NJE node where the job originated (used if SSJMSORG is set). The origin node is 1-8 character, left justified, and padded on the right with blanks.
NJE node where the job is to, or was, executed (used if SSJMSORG is set). The execution node is 1-8 character, left justified, and padded on the right with blanks.
The job class associated with the job (used if SSJMSCLS is set). The job class is 1-8 character, left justified, and padded on the right with blanks.
The name of the MVS™ system on which the job must be active (used if SSJMSSYS is set). The job can be actively executing or active on a device on that system. The system name is 1-8 character, left justified, and padded on the right with blanks. The generic characters ‘*’ and ‘?’ are allowed.
The name of the JES member on which the job must be active (used if SSJMSMEM is set). The job can be actively executing or active on a device on that member. The member name is 1-8 character, left justified, and padded on the right with blanks. The generic characters ‘*’ and ‘?’ are allowed.
The name of the WLM service class assigned to the job (used if SSJMSSRV is set). Jobs only have service classes assigned to them if they have completed conversion processing and have not completed execution processing. The service class is 0-8 characters, left justified, and padded on the right with blanks.
The name of scheduling environment (SCHENV= from the JOB statement) required by a job. (used if SSJMSSEN is set). Jobs only have scheduling environments assigned to them if they have completed conversion processing and have not completed execution processing. The scheduling environment is 0-16 characters, left justified, and padded on the right with blanks. The generic characters '*' and '?' are allowed.
Default print or punch destination assigned to the job (used if SSJMSDST is set). The destination 1-18 character, left justified, and padded on the right with blanks. The format of the destination is the same as that allowed on DEST= on the OUTPUT statement.

The user ID portion of the destination can contain the generic characters ‘*’ and ‘?’. This can match jobs with a default print route code that contains a corresponding user ID routing. However, destinations of the format ‘R*’, ‘RM*’, ‘RMT*’, ‘U*’, and ‘N*’ will not match jobs with a default print route code of remote, special local, or NJE.

This field contains a list of up to four VOLSERs associated with SPOOL. A job is selected only if it has space on at least one of the specified SPOOL volumes (used if SSJMSVOL is set). The SPOOL VOLSERs are each 1-6 character, left justified, and padded on the right with blanks. Unused entries can be set to blanks or zero.
The 1-byte binary priority associated with the job (used if SSJMSPRI is set). The job's priority must match exactly to be selected.

Valid priorities are 0-15.

The current job processing phase (used if SSJMSPHZ is set).
The following values are valid for SSJMPHAZ:
Phase Value
Job is active in input processing.
Job is queued for conversion.
Job is actively converting.
Job is queued for SETUP (not currently used by JES2 code).
Job is active in SETUP (not currently used by JES2 code).
Job is queued for execution.
Job is actively executing.
JES2 is processing SPIN data sets for the JOB.
Job is queued for output processing.
Job is active in output processing.
Job is on the hard copy queue.
Job is queued for purge.
Job is currently being purged.
Job is active on an NJE SYSOUT receiver.
Job is queued for execution on another NJE node.
Job is active on an NJE JOB transmitter.
Job has not completed execution (combines multiple states in one phase request).
Job has completed execution (combines multiple states in one phase request).

SYSOUT Filter Value Input Parameters: The following fields specify SYSOUT filter values used to select jobs to be processed. These fields are only relevant when the corresponding SYSOUT filter indicator request bit is set.

Address of client token for selection (if SSJMSCTK is on).
SYSOUT owner (creator) for selection (if SSJMSSOW is on).
SYSOUT class for selection (if SSJMSSCL is on). The SYSOUT class is 1-8 characters in length. Additional classes pointed to by SSJMSCLP.
SYSOUT writer name for selection (if SSJMSSWR is on).
SYSOUT forms name for selection (if SSJMSSFR is on).
SYSOUT PRMODE for selection (if SSJMSSPR is on).
SYSOUT destination for selection (if SSJMSSDS is on). Additional SYSOUT destinations pointed to by SSJMSDSP.

Filter Value List Input Parameters: The following fields specify lists of job and SYSOUT filter values to apply when selecting jobs for modification. These fields are only relevant when their corresponding filter indicator request bit is set.

Count of job classes in the job class list SSJMCLSP. Used for selecting jobs if SSJMSCLS is ON.
Pointer to a list of job classes. Used for selecting jobs if SSJMSCLS is ON.
Count of job names in the job name list SSJMJBNP. Used for selecting jobs if SSJMSJBN is ON.
Pointer to a list of job names. Used for selecting jobs if SSJMSJBN is ON.
Count of job destination names in the job destination list SSJMDSTP. Used for selecting jobs if SSJMSDST is ON.
Pointer to a list of job destination names. Used for selecting jobs if SSJMSDST is ON.
Count of job phases in the job phase list SSJMPHZP. Used for selecting jobs if SSJMSPHZ is ON.
Pointer to a list of job phases. Used for selecting jobs if SSJMSPHZ is ON.
Count of SYSOUT classes in the SYSYOUT class list SSJMSCLP. Used for selecting jobs if SSJMSSCL is ON.
Pointer to a list of SYSOUT classes. Used for selecting jobs if SSJMSSCL is ON.
Count of SYSOUT destinations in the SYSYOUT destination list SSJMSDSP. Used for selecting jobs if SSJMSSDS is ON.
Pointer to a list of SYSOUT destinations. Used for selecting jobs if SSJMSSDS is ON.
Pointer to a job correlator used to select jobs if SSJMSCOR is ON.

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