If PATH_SCOPE=CU is specified and path recovery determines that a channel path needs to be removed from a device, the path is removed from all devices defined to the control unit. Additionally, for intermittent channel path errors, the system collects error statistics over a period of time, and if the number of errors reaches or exceeds a threshold value, the channel path is removed from all devices defined to the control unit. The time period and threshold are controlled by the PATH_INTERVAL and PATH_THRESHOLD parameters as follows: For example, specifying a PATH_INTERVAL of 10 (minutes) and a PATH_THRESHOLD of 20 (errors per minute) means that at least 20 errors must occur every minute for 10 consecutive minutes before the path from the failing hardware component is removed from all the affected devices.
  1. Do not set the interval and threshold values to a very low value (for example: 1) because this may interfere with normal system recovery and cause the system to remove channel paths unnecessarily.
  2. Changing the value of the interval and the threshold keywords will not take effect until the next error is encountered and will not affect actions previously taken.