FIX={aa                     }
    {(aa[,L][,NOPROT])      }
This parameter specifies one or more IEAFIXxx members of parmlib. The two characters (A-Z, 0-9, @, #, or $), represented by aa (or bb, and so on), are appended to IEAFIX to name the members. If the L option is specified, the system displays the contents of the IEAFIXxx parmlib members at the operator's console as the system processes the members.

The members contain names of modules that are to be fixed in central storage as a fixed LPA. The fixed LPA modules are active only for the duration of an IPL, and will not be automatically reinstated by a quick start or a warm start IPL. You must respecify the FIX parameter in later IPLs if you want to reinstate the fixed LPA.

The LPA modules that are fixed in storage are also page protected, by default. If an attempt is made to store into a page-protected module, a protection exception occurs. However, an installation can use the NOPROT option to override the page protection default. When NOPROT is specified, the LPA modules in the IEAFIXxx parmlib members are not page protected in storage.

Value Range: Any two characters (A-Z, 0-9, @, #, or $).

Default Value: None

Associated Parmlib Member: IEAFIXxx