Parameter in IEASYSxx (or supplied by the operator)

MLPA= {aa                      }
      {(aa[,L][,NOPROT])       }

The two characters (A-Z, 0-9, @, #, or $) represented by aa (or bb, and so forth), are appended to IEALPA to form the name of the IEALPAxx parmlib members. If the L option is specified, the system displays the contents of the IEALPAxx parmlib members at the operator's console as the system processes the members.

Because the modified LPA is not a permanent addition to the LPA, you should specify MLPA in an alternate system parameter list (IEASYSxx) and not in IEASYS00. Or, you can have the operator enter the parameter from the console.

The LPA modules in the IEALPAxx parmlib members are page-protected in storage, by default. If an attempt is made to store into a page-protected module, a protection exception occurs. However, the NOPROT option allows an installation to override the page protection default. When NOPROT is specified, the LPA modules in the IEALPAxx parmlib members are not page-protected.