CNLcccxx (time and date format for translated messages)

Use the CNLcccxx member of parmlib to specify how translated messages are to be displayed at your installation. CNLcccxx, which is called the message configuration member, allows you to specify the time and date format for translated messages, using the MONTH, DAY, DATE, and TIME statements, as follows:

You need one message configuration member for each language your installation supports. Each message configuration member is named CNLcccxx, where ccc is the appropriate language code (see Table 1 for a table of valid language codes) and xx identifies the member.

The message configuration member for a specific language is specified on the CONFIG keyword of the LANGUAGE statement in the MMSLSTxx parmlib member. For more information, see MMSLSTxx (MVS message service list).

IBM® provides you with message configuration members for English and Japanese in SYS1.PARMLIB (named CNLENU00 and CNLJPN00, respectively).