ADYSETxx (dump suppression)

ADYSETxx allows an installation to control dump analysis and elimination (DAE) processing, which suppresses dumps that it considers unnecessary because they duplicate previously taken dumps. DAE suppresses ABEND dumps that would be written to a SYSMDUMP data set (SYSMDUMPs), Transaction dumps (IEATDUMP), and SVC dumps, when the symptom data of a dump duplicates the symptom data of a dump of the same dump type previously taken. DAE uses the ADYSETxx parmlib member to determine the actions DAE is to perform.

To change the ADYSETxx parmlib member specification, enter the SET DAE command.

DAE can take the following actions for SYSMDUMP dumps, Transaction dumps, and SVC dumps in either a single system or in a sysplex:

For more information, see the following references: