Abstract for MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference

Purpose of this information: This information describes the members of SYS1.PARMLIB for z/OS® (5650-ZOS), and the processes related to initializing the system. For each member, the information describes the meaning and use of each parameter, syntax rules, syntax examples, value ranges that are syntactically acceptable, default values, and performance notes where applicable.

This information is a companion to the z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide.

For information about how to install the software products that are necessary to run z/OS, see z/OS Planning for Installation.

Who should use this information: This information is for anyone whose job includes installing hardware and software, and customizing the software. This information is intended to be a reference on how to code system parameters and make other changes required. Usually, these tasks are performed by a systems programmer.

The information assumes the user can:

This information is also for anyone who tunes the system. System tuning requires you to determine where the system needs adjustment, to understand the effects of changing the system parameters, and to determine the changes to the system parameters that will bring about the desired effect.

MVS™ workload management: Many of the performance functions described in this information can be defined using MVS workload management (WLM). For more information see: z/OS MVS Planning: Workload Management and z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services.

Where to find more information: Where necessary, this information references information in other documents, using the shortened version of the document title. For complete titles and order numbers of the documents for all products that are part of OS/390, see z/OS Information Roadmap.