z/OS MVS IPCS Customization
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Installing Routine for IPCS Formatting

z/OS MVS IPCS Customization

To install an IPCS exit routine for use by IPCS, place the exit routine in:
  • A library in the LNKLST
  • A library that is part of the JOBLIB or STEPLIB,
  • A library accessed through the TASKLIB parameter of the TSO/E IPCS command
  • A data set specified by the ISPLLIB DDNAME, if the exit routine is only accessed during IPCS dialog processing
  • The SYS1.MIGLIB library
Then do the following:
  • For most exit routines, create or customize a BLSCUSER parmlib member to indicate the name and function of the exit routine.
  • For all CTRACE-related exit routines, place the exit routines in a load library available to IPCS.

    For a CTRACE buffer find exit routine, the name of the routine must be placed in the CTRACE format table. Create the CTRACE format table with the ITTFMTB macro.

    For a CTRACE filter/analysis exit routine, invoke the routine explicitly by name on the USEREXIT parameter of the CTRACE subcommand.

  • For GTFTRACE-related exit routines, do the following:
    • Give a GTFTRACE filter/analysis exit routine any name. Place the routine in a load library available to IPCS.
    • Give a GTFTRACE formatting appendage one of the following names:
      • AMDUSERxx
      • IMDUSERxx
      • HMDUSERxx

      xx is the character value of the FID records to be processed by the appendage.


See the following:

The following table shows examples of the lines needed in the BLSCUSER parmlib member to install any of these exit routines:

Table 1. Installing IPCS Exit Routines in the BLSCUSER Parmlib Member
Exit Routine Line Added to BLSCUSER Purpose of Line
ANALYZE EXIT EP(ANALYZED) ANALYZE Identifies entry point ANALYZED to IPCS as an ANALYZE exit routine.
Address space control block (ASCB) EXIT EP(ASCBEXIT) ASCB Identifies entry point ASCBEXIT to IPCS as a ASCB exit routine.
Control block formatter DATA STRUCTURE(THAT) FORMAT(FORMATTER) Identifies control block formatter exit routine FORMATTER with the structure THAT.
Control block status (CBSTAT) EXIT EP(CBEXIT) CBSTAT(ASCB) Identifies entry point CBEXIT to IPCS as a CBSTAT exit routine for the ASCB control block.
Find DATA STRUCTURE(IT) FIND(FINDIT) Associates find exit routine FINDIT with the structure IT.
Post-formatting EXIT EP(POSTEXIT) FORMAT(data_structure) Identifies entry point POSTEXIT to IPCS as a post-formatting exit routine which will format the data area data_structure.
Scan DATA SCAN(SCANIT) Identifies scan exit routine SCANIT.
Task control block (TCB) EXIT EP(TCBEXIT) FORMAT(TCB) Identifies entry point TCBEXIT to IPCS as a TCB exit routine. TCB exit routines are defined as post-formatting exit routines to IPCS.
Verb EXIT EP(VERBAL) VERB(MYDATA) AMASK(X'aaFFFFFF') ABSTRACT(‘text’) HELP(helppanel) Identifies entry point VERBAL to IPCS as a verb exit routine. MYDATA is a verb name used with the exit identified with the IPCS VERBEXIT subcommand.

For example, by entering VERBEXIT MYDATA, you give verb exit routine VERBAL control.

aa is either 00, to indicate 24-bit storage accessing, or 7F to indicate 31-bit storage accessing.

text’ is the text of the abstract shown on the component data analysis panel entry associated with this verb exit.

helppanel is the name of the help panel that accompanies this exit routine.

The AMASK, ABSTRACT, and HELP parameters are optional.

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