Remark parameters

Remark parameters are optional. They associate a description with the data consisting of up to 512 characters of text.

    [ REMARK('text') | NOREMARK ]
A textual description of the storage indicated by the address or in the address range. The description must be entered within apostrophes, and any apostrophes which appear within the description must be paired. The text can be a maximum of 512 characters. The remark is stored in the symbol table.
equate abc a72f4. asid(1) length(80) area scalar +
  remark('input params from EXEC statement')

Result: IPCS creates a symbol table entry for the symbol ABC. EQUATE associates the entry with an 80-byte area beginning at the absolute address, X‘A72F4’. The ASID(1) indicates that this address is in virtual storage and IPCS simulates dynamic address translation for ASID(1). AREA indicates that the symbol is neither a module nor a control block. SCALAR indicates that the symbol is a single block of storage, not an array. REMARK is your description of the 80-byte area.

No textual description is to be associated with the storage. This parameter may be used when equating a new symbol to one previously defined. It will prevent IPCS from copying the remark text stored with the existing symbol.
equate abc+73 asid(1) length(80) area scalar +

Result: Assuming symbol, ABC, already exists in the symbol table, EQUATE overlays the new address and attributes for ABC but does not delete the existing remark.