Positive integers

Whenever an IPCS subcommand requires a number between 0 and 231, that number can be entered in any of the following ways:
This notation describes a decimal number. The value, nnnnnnnnnn, is a positive 1- to 10-digit decimal number.
Note: The maximum value that can be entered using decimal notation is 2147843647 (231-1), one less than the maximum positive integer that IPCS can process (for example, as a data length or a page size). In order to designate the maximum value to IPCS, hexadecimal or binary notation must be used.
X‘xxxxxxxx’ or X‘xxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx
This notation describes a hexadecimal number. The value, xxxxxxxx, is a positive 1- to 8-digit hexadecimal number, preceded by X. Hexadecimal digits A through F can be entered using either uppercase or lowercase letters.

An underscore (_) might be used between hexadecimal digits to improve legibility for values greater than 32 bits.

This notation describes a binary number. The value, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb, is a positive 1- to 31-digit binary number preceded by B.