CHECK option

If the CHECK option is specified, EVALUATE uses its return code (see Table 1)to indicate whether diagnostic data can be retrieved. It is also used to indicate other concerns if the same data description is used with the default form of EVALUATE.
Table 1. Return codes for the CHECK option
Code Explanation
00 Successful completion
04 Description of data was edited
  • If the length is more than 4 bytes, LENGTH(4) is substituted.
  • If an array containing multiple entries is described, DIMENSION(1) is substituted.
  • Only the UNSIGNED data type is supported. If another data type is described, UNSIGNED is substituted.
08 Four bytes of data were retrieved but the initial byte does not contain X'00'. Significance is lost if the first byte of a fullword is removed. That byte does not contain X'00'.
12 Data not available or not defined.