z/OS MVS Programming: Callable Services for High-Level Languages
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CSRSIC C/370 header file

z/OS MVS Programming: Callable Services for High-Level Languages

For the C programmer, include file CSRSIC provides equates for return codes and data constants, such as Register service request types. To use CSRSIC, copy the file from SYS1.SAMPLIB to the appropriate local C library. Here are the contents of the file:
#ifndef __CSRSI                                                                 
#define __CSRSI                                                                 
 *         Type Definitions for User Specified Parameters            *          
/*  Type for Request operand of CSRSI                                */         
typedef int  CSRSIRequest;                                                      
/*  Type for InfoAreaLen operand of CSRSI                            */         
typedef int  CSRSIInfoAreaLen;                                                  
/*  Type for Return Code                                             */         
typedef int  CSRSIReturnCode;                                                   
 *           Function Prototypes for Service Routines                *          
#ifdef __cplusplus                                                              
   extern "OS" ??<                                                              
  #pragma linkage(CSRSI_calltype,OS)                                            
typedef void CSRSI_calltype(                                                    
   CSRSIRequest      __REQUEST,   /* Input  - request type           */         
   CSRSIInfoAreaLen  __INFOAREALEN,  /* Input - length of infoarea   */         
   void             *__INFOAREA,  /* Input  - info area              */         
   CSRSIReturnCode  *__RC);       /* Output - return code            */         
extern CSRSI_calltype csrsi;                                                    
#ifdef __cplusplus                                                              
#ifndef __cplusplus                                                             
#define csrsi_byaddr(Request, Flen, Fptr, Rcptr)                    \           
??<                                                                 \           
 struct CSRSI_PSA* CSRSI_pagezero = 0;                              \           
   CSRSI_pagezero->CSRSI_cvt->CSRSI_cvtcsrt->CSRSI_addr             \           
           (Request,Flen,Fptr,Rcptr);                               \           
struct CSRSI_CSRT ??<                                                           
   unsigned char CSRSI_csrt_filler1  ??(48??);                                  
   CSRSI_calltype* CSRSI_addr;                                                  

  struct CSRSI_CVT ??<                                                            
   unsigned char CSRSI_cvt_filler1  ??(116??);                                  
  struct ??<                                                                    
    int CSRSI_cvtdcb_rsvd1 : 4;      /* Not needed                   */         
    int CSRSI_cvtosext : 1;          /* If on, indicates that the               
                    CVTOSLVL fields are valid                        */         
    int CSRSI_cvtdcb_rsvd2 : 3;      /* Not needed                   */         
         ??> CSRSI_cvtdcb;                                                      
   unsigned char CSRSI_cvt_filler2  ??(427??);                                  
   struct CSRSI_CSRT * CSRSI_cvtcsrt;                                           
   unsigned char CSRSI_cvt_filler3  ??(716??);                                  
   unsigned char CSRSI_cvtoslv0;                                                
   unsigned char CSRSI_cvtoslv1;                                                
   unsigned char CSRSI_cvtoslv2;                                                
   unsigned char CSRSI_cvtoslv3;                                                
  struct ??<                                                                    
    int CSRSI_cvtcsrsi : 1;          /* If on, indicates that the               
                                        CSRSI service is available   */         
    int CSRSI_cvtoslv1_rsvd1 : 7;    /* Not needed                   */         
         ??> CSRSI_cvtoslv4;                                                    
   unsigned char CSRSI_cvt_filler4 ??(11??);        /*               */         
struct CSRSI_PSA ??<                                                            
   char CSRSI_psa_filler??(16??);                                               
   struct CSRSI_CVT* CSRSI_cvt;                                                 
/*  End of CSRSI Header                                              */         
/* si11v1 represents the output for a V1 CPC when general CPC        */         
/* information is requested                                          */         
typedef struct ??<                                                              
  unsigned char  _filler1??(32??);  /* Reserved                      */         
  unsigned char  si11v1cpcmanufacturer??(16??); /*                              
                                       The 16-character (0-9                    
                                       or uppercase A-Z) EBCDIC name            
                                       of the manufacturer of the V1            
                                       CPC. The name is                         
                                       left-justified with trailing             
                                       blank characters if necessary.           
  unsigned char  si11v1cpctype??(4??); /* The 4-character (0-9) EBCDIC          
                                       type identifier of the V1 CPC.           
  unsigned char  _filler2??(12??);  /* Reserved                      */         
  unsigned char  si11v1cpcmodel??(16??); /* The 16-character (0-9 or            
                                       uppercase A-Z) EBCDIC model              
                                       identifier of the V1 CPC. The            
                                       identifier is left-justified             
                                       with trailing blank characters           
                                       if necessary.                 */         
  unsigned char  si11v1cpcsequencecode??(16??); /*                              
                                       The 16-character (0-9                    
                                       or uppercase A-Z) EBCDIC                 
                                       sequence code of the V1 CPC.             
                                       The sequence code is                     
                                       right-justified with leading             
                                       EBCDIC zeroes if necessary.              
  unsigned char  si11v1cpcplantofmanufacture??(4??); /* The 4-character         
                                       (0-9 or uppercase A-Z) EBCDIC            
                                       plant code that identifies the           
                                       plant of manufacture for the             
                                       V1 CPC. The plant code is                
                                       left-justified with trailing             
                                       blank characters if necessary.           
  unsigned char  _filler3??(3996??); /* Reserved                     */         
??> si11v1;                                                                     
/* si22v1 represents the output for a V1 CPC when information        */         
/* is requested about the set of CPUs                                */         
typedef struct ??<                                                              
  unsigned char  _filler1??(32??);  /* Reserved                      */         
  unsigned char  si22v1cpucapability??(4??); /*                                 
                                       An unsigned binary integer               
                                       that specifies the capability            
                                       of one of the CPUs contained             
                                       in the V1 CPC. It is used as             
                                       an indication of the                     
                                       capability of the CPU relative           
                                       to the capability of other CPU           
                                       models.                       */         
  unsigned int   si22v1totalcpucount             : 16; /* A 2-byte              
                                       unsigned integer                         
                                       that specifies the                       
                                       total number of CPUs contained           
                                       in the V1 CPC. This number               
                                       includes all CPUs in the                 
                                       configured state, the standby            
                                       state, and the reserved state.           
  unsigned int   si22v1configuredcpucount        : 16; /* A 2-byte              
                                       unsigned binary                          
                                       integer that specifies                   
                                       the total number of CPUs that            
                                       are in the configured state. A           
                                       CPU is in the configured state           
                                       when it is described in the              
                                       V1-CPC configuration                     
                                       definition and is available to           
                                       be used to execute programs.             
  unsigned int   si22v1standbycpucount           : 16; /* A 2-byte              
                                       unsigned integer                         
                                       that specifies the                       
                                       total number of CPUs that are            
                                       in the standby state. A CPU is           
                                       in the standby state when it             
                                       is described in the V1-CPC               
                                       configuration definition, is             
                                       not available to be used to              
                                       execute programs, but can be             
                                       used to execute programs by              
                                       issuing instructions to place            
                                       it in the configured state.              
  unsigned int   si22v1reservedcpucount          : 16; /* A 2-byte              
                                       unsigned binary                          
                                       integer that specifies                   
                                       the total number of CPUs that            
                                       are in the reserved state. A             
                                       CPU is in the reserved state             
                                       when it is described in the              
                                       V1-CPC configuration                     
                                       definition, is not available             
                                       to be used to execute                    
                                       programs, and cannot be made             
                                       available to be used to                  
                                       execute programs by issuing              
                                       instructions to place it in              
                                       the configured state, but it             
                                       may be possible to place it in           
                                       the standby or configured                
                                       state through manually                   
                                       initiated actions             */         
  struct ??<                                                                    
    unsigned char  _si22v1mpcpucapaf??(2??); /* Each individual                 
                                       adjustment factor.            */         
    unsigned char  _filler2??(4050??);                                          
  ??> si22v1mpcpucapafs;                                                        
??> si22v1;                                                                     
#define si22v1mpcpucapaf  si22v1mpcpucapafs._si22v1mpcpucapaf                   
/* si22v2 represents the output for a V2 CPC when information        */         
/* is requested about the set of CPUs                                */         
               typedef struct ??<                                                              
  unsigned char  _filler1??(32??);  /* Reserved                      */         
  unsigned int   si22v2cpcnumber                 : 16; /* A 2-byte              
                                       unsigned integer                         
                                       which is the number of                   
                                       this V2 CPC. This number                 
                                       distinguishes this V2 CPC from           
                                       all other V2 CPCs provided by            
                                       the same logical-partition               
                                       hypervisor                    */         
  unsigned char  _filler2;          /* Reserved                      */         
  struct ??<                                                                    
    unsigned int   _si22v2lcpudedicated           : 1; /*                       
                                       When one, indicates that                 
                                       one or more of the logical               
                                       CPUs for this V2 CPC are                 
                                       provided using V1 CPUs that              
                                       are dedicated to this V2 CPC             
                                       and are not used to provide              
                                       logical CPUs for any other V2            
                                       CPCs. The number of logical              
                                       CPUs that are provided using             
                                       dedicated V1 CPUs is specified           
                                       by the dedicated-LCPU-count              
                                       value. When zero, bit 0                  
                                       indicates that none of the               
                                       logical CPUs for this V2 CPC             
                                       are provided using V1 CPUs               
                                       that are dedicated to this V2            
                                       CPC.                          */         
    unsigned int   _si22v2lcpushared               : 1; /*                      
                                       When one, indicates that                 
                                       or more of the logical CPUs              
                                       for this V2 CPC are provided             
                                       using V1 CPUs that can be used           
                                       to provide logical CPUs for              
                                       other V2 CPCs. The number of             
                                       logical CPUs that are provided           
                                       using shared V1 CPUs is                  
                                       specified by the                         
                                       shared-LCPU-count value. When            
                                       zero, it indicates that none             
                                       of the logical CPUs for this             
                                       V2 CPC are provided using                
                                       shared V1 CPUs.               */         
   unsigned int   _si22v2lcpuulimit               : 1; /*                      
                                       Utilization limit. When one,             
                                       indicates that the amount of             
                                       use of the V1-CPC CPUs that              
                                       are used to provide the                  
                                       logical CPUs for this V2 CPC             
                                       is limited. When zero, it                
                                       indicates that the amount of             
                                       use of the V1-CPC CPUs that              
                                       are used to provide the                  
                                       logical CPUs for this V2 CPC             
                                       is unlimited.                 */         
    unsigned int   _filler3                        : 5; /* Reserved             
  ??> si22v2lcpuc;                  /* Characteristics               */         
  unsigned int   si22v2totallcpucount            : 16; /*                       
                                       A 2-byte unsigned                        
                                       integer that specifies the               
                                       total number of logical CPUs             
                                       that are provided for this V2            
                                       CPC. This number includes all            
                                       of the logical CPUs that are             
                                       in the configured state, the             
                                       standby state, and the                   
                                       reserved state.               */         
  unsigned int   si22v2configuredlcpucount       : 16; /*                       
                                       A 2-byte unsigned                        
                                       binary integer that specifies            
                                       the total number of logical              
                                       CPUs for this V2 CPC that are            
                                       in the configured state. A               
                                       logical CPU is in the                    
                                       configured state when it is              
                                       described in the V2-CPC                  
                                       configuration definition and             
                                       is available to be used to               
                                       execute programs.             */         
  unsigned int   si22v2standbylcpucount          : 16; /*                       
                                       A 2-byte unsigned                        
                                       binary integer that specifies            
                                       the total number of logical              
                                       CPUs that are in the standby             
                                       state. A logical CPU is in the           
                                       standby state when it is                 
                                       described in the V2-CPC                  
                                       configuration definition, is             
                                       not available to be used to              
                                       execute programs, but can be             
                                       used to execute programs by              
                                       issuing instructions to place            
                                       it in the configured state.              
 unsigned int   si22v2reservedlcpucount         : 16; /*                       
                                       A 2-byte unsigned                        
                                       binary integer that specifies            
                                       the total number of logical              
                                       CPUs that are in the reserved            
                                       state. A logical CPU is in the           
                                       reserved state when it is                
                                       described in the V2-CPC                  
                                       configuration definition, is             
                                       not available to be used to              
                                       execute programs, and cannot             
                                       be made available to be used             
                                       to execute programs by issuing           
                                       instructions to place it in              
                                       the configured state, but it             
                                       may be possible to place it in           
                                       the standby or configured                
                                       state through manually                   
                                       initiated actions             */         
  unsigned char  si22v2cpcname??(16??); /*                                      
                                       The 8-character EBCDIC name of           
                                       this V2 CPC. The name is                 
                                       left-justified with trailing             
                                       blank characters if necessary.           
  unsigned char  si22v2cpccapabilityaf??(4??); /* Capability Adjustment         
                                       Factor (CAF). An unsigned                
                                       binary integer of 1000 or                
                                       less. The adjustment factor              
                                       specifies the amount of the              
                                       V1-CPC capability that is                
                                       allowed to be used for this V2           
                                       CPC by the logical-partition             
                                       hypervisor. The fraction of              
                                       V1-CPC capability is                     
                                       determined by dividing the CAF           
                                       value by 1000.                */         
  unsigned char  _filler4??(16??);  /* Reserved                      */         
  unsigned int   si22v2dedicatedlcpucount        : 16; /*                       
                                       A 2-byte unsigned                        
                                       binary integer that specifies            
                                       the number of configured-state           
                                       logical CPUs for this V2 CPC             
                                       that are provided using                  
                                       dedicated V1 CPUs. (See the              
                                       description of bit                       
                                       si22v2lcpudedicated.)         */         
  unsigned int   si22v2sharedlcpucount           : 16; /*                       
                                       A 2-byte unsigned                        
                                       integer that specifies the               
                                       number of configured-state               
                                       logical CPUs for this V2 CPC             
                                       that are provided using shared           
                                       V1 CPUs. (See the description            
                                       of bit si22v2lcpushared.)                
   unsigned char  _filler5??(4012??); /* Reserved                     */         
    ??> si22v2;                                                                     
#define si22v2lcpudedicated       si22v2lcpuc._si22v2lcpudedicated              
#define si22v2lcpushared          si22v2lcpuc._si22v2lcpushared                 
#define si22v2lcpuulimit          si22v2lcpuc._si22v2lcpuulimit                 
/* si22v3db is a description block that comprises part of the        */         
/* si22v3 data.                                                      */         
typedef struct ??<                                                              
  unsigned char  _filler1??(4??);   /* Reserved                      */         
  unsigned int   si22v3dbtotallcpucount            : 16; /*                     
                                       A 2-byte unsigned                        
                                       binary integer that specifies            
                                       the total number of logical              
                                       CPUs that are provided for               
                                       this V3 CPC. This number                 
                                       includes all of the logical              
                                       CPUs that are in the                     
                                       configured state, the standby            
                                       state, and the reserved state.           
  unsigned int   si22v3dbconfiguredlcpucount       : 16; /*                     
                                       A 2-byte unsigned                        
                                       binary integer that specifies            
                                       the number of logical CPUs for           
                                       this V3 CPC that are in the              
                                       configured state. A logical              
                                       CPU is in the configured state           
                                       when it is described in the              
                                       V3-CPC configuration                     
                                       definition and is available to           
                                       be used to execute programs.             
 unsigned int   si22v3dbstandbylcpucount          : 16; /*                     
                                       A 2-byte unsigned                        
                                       binary integer that specifies            
                                       the number of logical CPUs for           
                                       this V3 CPC that are in the              
                                       standby state. A logical CPU             
                                       is in the standby state when             
                                       it is described in the V3-CPC            
                                       configuration definition, is             
                                       not available to be used to              
                                       execute programs, but can be             
                                       used to execute programs by              
                                       issuing instructions to place            
                                       it in the configured state.              
 unsigned int   si22v3dbreservedlcpucount         : 16; /*                     
                                       A 2-byte unsigned                        
                                       binary integer that specifies            
                                       the number of logical CPUs for           
                                       this V3 CPC that are in the              
                                       reserved state. A logical CPU            
                                       is in the reserved state when            
                                       it is described in the V2-CPC            
                                       configuration definition, is             
                                       not available to be used to              
                                       execute programs, and cannot             
                                       be made available to be used             
                                       to execute programs by issuing           
                                       instructions to place it in              
                                       the configured state, but it             
                                       may be possible to place it in           
                                       the standby or configured                
                                       state through manually                   
                                       initiated actions             */         
  unsigned char  si22v3dbcpcname??(8??); /* The 8-character EBCDIC name         
                                       of this V3 CPC. The name is              
                                       left-justified with trailing             
                                       blank characters if necessary.           
  unsigned char  si22v3dbcpccaf??(4??); /* A 4-byte unsigned binary             
                                        integer that specifies an               
                                        adjustment factor. The                  
                                        adjustment factor specifies             
                                        the amount of the V1-CPC or             
                                        V2-CPC capability that is               
                                        allowed to be used for this V3          
                                        CPC by the                              
                                        program.                     */         
 unsigned char  si22v3dbvmhpidentifier??(16??); /* The 16-character            
                                       EBCDIC identifier of the                 
                                       program that provides this V3            
                                       CPC. (This identifier may                
                                       include qualifiers such as               
                                       version number and release               
                                       level). The identifier is                
                                       left-justified with trailing             
                                       blank characters if necessary.           
  unsigned char  _filler2??(24??);  /* Reserved                      */         
??> si22v3db;                                                                   
/* si22v3 represents the output for a V3 CPC when information        */         
/* is requested about the set of CPUs                                */         
typedef struct ??<                                                              
  unsigned char  _filler1??(28??);  /* Reserved                      */         
  unsigned char  _filler2??(3??);   /* Reserved                      */         
  struct ??<                                                                    
      unsigned int   _filler3                : 4; /* Reserved                   
      unsigned int   _si22v3dbcount          : 4; /*                            
                                       Description Block Count. A               
                                       4-bit unsigned binary integer            
                                       that indicates the number (up            
                                       to 8) of V3-CPC description              
                                       blocks that are stored in the            
                                       si22v3dbe array.              */         
  ??> si22v3dbcountfield;           /*                               */         
  si22v3db  si22v3dbe??(8??);    /* Array of entries. Only the number           
                                    indicated by si22v3dbcount                  
                                    are valid                        */         
  unsigned char  _filler5??(3552??); /* Reserved                     */         
??> si22v3;                                                                     
#define si22v3dbcount      si22v3dbcountfield._si22v3dbcount                    
/* SI00 represents the "starter" information. This structure is      */         
/* part of the information returned on every CSRSI request.          */         
typedef struct ??<                                                              
  char           si00cpcvariety;    /* SI00CPCVariety_V1CPC_MACHINE,            
                                       SI00CPCVariety_V2CPC_LPAR, or            
                                       SI00CPCVariety_V3CPC_VM       */         
    struct ??<                                                                  
               int   _si00validsi11v1  : 1; /* si11v1 was requested and         
                                   the information returned is valid            
               int   _si00validsi22v1  : 1; /* si22v2 was requested and         
                                   the information returned is valid            
               int   _si00validsi22v2  : 1; /* si22v2 was requested and         
                                   the information returned is valid            
               int   _si00validsi22v3  : 1; /* si22v3 was requested and         
                                   the information returned is valid            
               int   _filler1          : 4; /* Reserved              */         
    ??> si00validityflags;                                                      
  unsigned char  _filler2??(2??);   /* Reserved                      */         
  unsigned char  si00pccacpid??(12??); /* PCCACPID value for this CPU           
  unsigned char  si00pccacpua??(2??); /* PCCACPUA value for this CPU            
  unsigned char  si00pccacafm??(2??); /* PCCACAFM value for this CPU            
  unsigned char  _filler3??(4??);   /* Reserved                      */         
  unsigned char  si00lastupdatetimestamp??(8??); /* Time of last STSI           
                                       update, via STCK              */         
  unsigned char  _filler4??(32??);  /* Reserved                      */         
 ??> si00;                                                                       
#define si00validsi11v1         si00validityflags._si00validsi11v1              
#define si00validsi22v1         si00validityflags._si00validsi22v1              
#define si00validsi22v2         si00validityflags._si00validsi22v2              
#define si00validsi22v3         si00validityflags._si00validsi22v3              
/* siv1 represents the information returned when V1CPC_MACHINE       */         
/* data is requested                                                 */         
typedef struct ??<                                                              
  si00 siv1si00;                                    /* Area mapped by           
                                       struct si00                   */         
  si11v1 siv1si11v1;                                    /* Area                 
                                       mapped by struct si11v1       */         
  si22v1 siv1si22v1;                                    /* Area                 
                                       mapped by struct si22v1       */         
??> siv1;                                                                       
/* siv1v2 represents the information returned when V1CPC_MACHINE     */         
/* data and V2CPC_LPAR data is requested                             */         
typedef struct ??<                                                              
  si00 siv1v2si00;                                  /* Area mapped by           
                                       by struct si00                */         
  si11v1 siv1v2si11v1;                                    /* Area               
                                       mapped by struct si11v1       */         
  si22v1 siv1v2si22v1;                                    /* Area               
                                       mapped by struct si22v2       */         
  si22v2 siv1v2si22v2;                                    /* Area               
                                       mapped by struct si22v2       */         
??> siv1v2;                                                                     
/* siv1v2v3 represents the information returned when V1CPC_MACHINE   */         
/* data, V2CPC_LPAR data and V3CPC_VM data is requested              */         
 typedef struct ??<                                                              
  si00 siv1v2v3si00;                                    /* Area                 
                                       mapped by struct si00         */         
  si11v1 siv1v2v3si11v1;                                    /* Area             
                                       mapped by struct si11v1       */         
  si22v1 siv1v2v3si22v1;                                    /* Area             
                                       mapped by struct si22v1       */         
  si22v2 siv1v2v3si22v2;                                    /* Area             
                                       mapped by struct si22v2       */         
  si22v3 siv1v2v3si22v3;                                    /* Area             
                                       mapped by struct si22v3       */         
 ??> siv1v2v3;                                                                   
/* siv1v3 represents the information returned when V1CPC_MACHINE     */         
/* data and V3CPC_VM data is requested                               */         
typedef struct ??<                                                              
  si00 siv1v3si00;                                    /* Area mapped            
                                       by struct si00                */         
  si11v1 siv1v3si11v1;                                    /* Area               
                                       mapped by struct si11v1       */         
  si22v1 siv1v3si22v1;                                    /* Area               
                                       mapped by struct si22v1       */         
  si22v3 siv1v3si22v3;                                    /* Area               
                                       mapped by struct si22v3       */         
??> siv1v3;                                                                     

/* siv2 represents the information returned when V2CPC_LPAR          */         
/* data is requested                                                 */         
typedef struct ??<                                                              
  si00 siv2si00;                    /* Area mapped by                           
                                       struct si00                   */         
  si22v2 siv2si22v2;                /* Area                                     
                                       mapped by struct si22v2       */         
??> siv2;                                                                       
/* siv2v3 represents the information returned when V2CPC_LPAR        */         
/* and V3CPC_VM data is requested                                    */         
typedef struct ??<                                                              
  si00 siv2v3si00;                  /* Area mapped                              
                                       by struct si00                */         
  si22v2 siv2v3si22v2;              /* Area                                     
                                       mapped by struct si22v2       */         
  si22v3 siv2v3si22v3;              /* Area                                     
                                       mapped by struct si22v3       */         
??> siv2v3;                                                                     
/* siv3 represents the information returned when V3CPC_VM            */         
/* data is requested                                                 */         
typedef struct ??<                                                              
  si00 siv3si00;                    /* Area mapped by                           
                                       struct si00                   */         
  si22v3 siv3si22v3;                /* Area                                     
                                       mapped by struct si22v3       */         
??> siv3;                                                                 
 *       Fixed Service Parameter and Return Code Defines             *          
/*  SI00 Constants                                                   */         
#define SI00CPCVARIETY_V1CPC_MACHINE   1                                        
#define SI00CPCVARIETY_V2CPC_LPAR      2                                        
#define SI00CPCVARIETY_V3CPC_VM        3                                        
/*  CSRSI Constants                                                  */         
#define CSRSI_REQUEST_V1CPC_MACHINE    1                                        
#define CSRSI_REQUEST_V2CPC_LPAR       2                                        
#define CSRSI_REQUEST_V3CPC_VM         4                                        
/*  CSRSI Return codes                                               */         
#define CSRSI_SUCCESS                  0                                        
#define CSRSI_STSINOTAVAILABLE         4                                        
#define CSRSI_SERVICENOTAVAILABLE      8                                        
#define CSRSI_BADREQUEST               12                                       
#define CSRSI_BADINFOAREALEN           16                                       
#define CSRSI_BADLOCK                  20      

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