TESTART — Tests the validity of ALETs


TESTART tests for conditions that lead to an access register translation (ART) program interruption. Use it to test:
  • The validity of an access list entry token (ALET)
  • The validity of the extended authorization index (EAX) authority of the program that passed the ALET
  • The value of an ALET
  • If a specified ALET points to an entry for a SCOPE=COMMON data space.

By testing for these conditions, your program can avoid using an ALET that would cause an ART program interruption.

For information about ALETs, EAXs, and EAX-authorization, see z/OS MVS Programming: Extended Addressability Guide.


Requirements for the caller are:

Environmental factor Requirement
Minimum authorization: Problem state.
Dispatchable unit mode: Task or SRB
Cross memory mode: Any PASN, any HASN, any SASN
ASC mode: Primary or AR
Interrupt status: Enabled or disabled for I/O and external interrupts
Locks held: The caller can be locked or unlocked.
Control parameters: Not applicable

Programming requirements




Input register information

The input to the macro is the ALET and the caller's EAX.

Output register information

When control returns to the caller, the general purpose registers (GPRs) contain:
Used as work registers by the system
Used as a work register by the system
Return code
When control returns to the caller, the access registers (ARs) contain:
Used as work registers by the system
Used as work registers by the system

Performance implications



The TESTART macro is written as follows:

Syntax Description
   name name: Symbol. Begin name in column 1.
One or more blanks must precede TESTART.
One or more blanks must follow TESTART.
ALET=(access-reg) access-reg: Access register (0) - (15).
,EAX=(eax) eax: Register (0) - (14).
    ,CADS=YES Default: CADS=NO


The parameters are explained as follows:

Specifies an access register 0 through 15 that contains the ALET to be tested.
Specifies a general purpose register 0 through 14 that contains the EAX to be used in the test, in bit positions 0-15. (The system ignores bits 16 - 31.)
Specifies if TESTART is to check the caller's PASN-AL to see if the specified ALET points to an entry for a SCOPE=COMMON data space. If CADS=YES is specified, TESTART returns one of the following return codes:
  • X'04' if the ALET does not represent a SCOPE=COMMON data space
  • X'18' if the ALET is for a SCOPE=COMMON data space.

If CADS=NO is specified, TESTART does not indicate whether or not the specified ALET is for a SCOPE=COMMON data space.

ABEND codes


Return codes

When TESTART macro returns control to your program, GPR 15 contains a return code.

Table 1. Return Codes for the TESTART Macro
Hexadecimal Return Code Meaning and Action
00 Meaning: The specified ALET is 0.

Action: None.

04 Meaning: The specified ALET represents a valid entry on the DU-AL. If CADS=YES was specified on the call, the ALET does not point to an entry for a SCOPE=COMMON data space.

Action: None required. However, you might take some action based upon your application.

08 Meaning: The specified ALET represents a valid entry on the PASN-AL.

Action: None required. However, you might take some action based upon your application.

0C Meaning: The specified ALET is 1.

Action: None required. However, you might take some action based upon your application.

10 Meaning: The specified ALET and/or EAX will cause an ART program interruption.

Action: None required. However, you might take some action based upon your application.

14 Meaning: A system error occurred in the TESTART service routine.

Action: Retry the request.

18 Meaning: The program specified CADS=YES on the call to TESTART. The specified ALET points to an entry for a SCOPE=COMMON data space.

Action: None required. However, you might take some action based upon your application.

Example 1

Request that TESTART verify the following two conditions:
  • The ALET in AR1 passed by the caller is zero or is a valid ALET on the caller's dispatchable unit access list. The caller's registers were saved in the linkage stack prior to this example.
  • The caller is EAX-authorized to data being passed as a parameter that can be accessed by the called program that runs with an authorized EAX.
    R1       EQU   1                General register 1
    AR1      EQU   1                Access register 1
    R15      EQU   15               General register 15
             SLR   R15,R15          Set a zero code for the ESTA
             EREG  AR1,AR1          Extract GPR/AR 1 from the linkage stack
             ESTA  R0,R15           Place the caller's EAX in R1 bits 0-15
             TESTART ALET=(AR1),EAX=(R1)  Test the ALET/EAX
             CL    R15,=X'00000004' Test the TESTART return code
             BH    ERROR            Branch to error routine when the return
    *                               code is greater than 4

Example 2

Request that TESTART verify the following two conditions:
  • The ALET passed by the caller (on the linkage stack) points to an entry for a SCOPE=COMMON data space
  • The caller is EAX-authorized to data being passed as a parameter that can be accessed by the called program that runs with an authorized EAX.
    R1       EQU   1                General register 1
    AR1      EQU   1                Access register 1
    R15      EQU   15               General register 15
             SLR   R15,R15          Set a zero code for the ESTA
             EREG  AR1,AR1          Extract GPR/AR 1 from the linkage stack
             ESTA  R0,R15           Place the caller's EAX in R1 bits 0-15
             TESTART ALET=(AR1),EAX=(R1),CADS=YES  Test the ALET/EAX
             CL    R15,=X'00000018' Test the TESTART return code
             BE    CADS_ALET        Branch to CADS ALET routine processing