SPIE—List form

Use the list form of the SPIE macro to construct a control program parameter list in the form of a program interruption control area.


The list form of the SPIE macro is written as follows:

Syntax Description
   name name: Symbol. Begin name in column 1.
One or more blanks must precede SPIE.
One or more blanks must follow SPIE.
   exit addr exit addr: A-type address.
   ,(interrupts) interrupts: Decimal numbers 1-15 expressed as:

single values: (2,3,4,7,8,9,10)
ranges of values: ((2,4),(7,10))
combinations: (2,3,4,(7,10))



The parameters are explained under the standard form of the SPIE macro, with the following exception:

Specifies the list form of the SPIE macro.