The MAP service

The MAP service makes an association between part or all of an object, the portion being specified by the OFFSET and SPAN parameters, and your program's virtual storage. This association, which is called a virtual storage window, takes the form of a one-to-one correspondence between specified blocks on the object and specified pages in virtual storage. After the MAP is complete, your program can then process the data in the window. The RETAIN parameter specifies whether data that is in the window when you issue MAP is to remain or be replaced by the data from the associated object.

Note: You cannot map virtual storage pages that are page-fixed into a virtual storage window. Once the window exists, you can page-fix data inside the window so long as it is not fixed when you issue SAVE, UNMAP, or RESET.
If your window is in an address space, you can map either a linear data set or a hiperspace object. See Figure 1.
Figure 1. Mapping from an Address Space
If your window is in a data space or a hiperspace, you can map only to a linear data set. See Figure 2.
Figure 2. Mapping from a Data Space or Hiperspace
If your window is in a data space or hiperspace, you can issue multiple MAPs under the same ID from different data spaces or hiperspaces. You cannot mix data space maps or hiperspace maps with address space maps under the same ID at any one time. However, you can mix data space maps and hiperspace maps. See Figure 3.
Figure 3. Multiple Mapping

The MAP service has two required parameters: ID and OFFSET, and five optional parameters: SPAN, AREA, RETAIN, STOKEN, and PFCOUNT.

The following examples show two ways to code the MAP service.

Hiperspace™ or data set object:
Data set object:

ID: The ID parameter specifies the storage location containing the unique eight-byte value that was returned by IDENTIFY. The map service uses this value to determine which object is being mapped under which request.

If you specify the same ID on multiple invocations of the MAP service, you can create simultaneous windows corresponding to different parts of the object. However, an object block that is mapped into one window cannot be mapped into any other window created under the same ID. If you use different IDs, however, an object block can be included simultaneously in several windows.

OFFSET and SPAN: The OFFSET and SPAN parameters indicate a range of blocks on the object. Blocks in this range appear in the window. OFFSET indicates the first object block in the range, while SPAN indicates how many contiguous blocks make up the range. An offset of zero indicates the beginning of the object. For example, an offset of zero and a span of ten causes the block at the beginning of the object to appear in the window, together with the next nine object blocks. The window would then be ten pages long.

Specifying OFFSET=* or omitting OFFSET causes the system to use a default OFFSET of zero. Specifying SPAN=0, SPAN=*, or omitting SPAN results in a default SPAN of the number of blocks needed to MAP the entire object, starting from the block indicated by OFFSET. Specifying both OFFSET=* and SPAN=* or omitting both causes the entire object to appear in the window.

You may use the OFFSET and SPAN parameters to specify a range spanning any portion of the object, the entire object, or extending beyond the object. Specifying a range beyond the object enables a program to add data to the object, increasing the size of the object. If data in a mapped range beyond the object is saved (using the SAVE service), the size of the object is updated to reflect the new size.

To use the OFFSET parameter, specify the storage location containing the block offset of the first block to be mapped. The offset of the first block in the data object is zero. To use the SPAN parameter, specify the storage location containing the number of blocks in the mapped range.

AREA: When you specify MAP, you must also specify an AREA parameter. AREA indicates the beginning of a virtual storage space large enough to contain the entire window. Before invoking MAP, you must ensure that your task owns this virtual storage space. The storage must belong to a single, pageable private area subpool. It must begin on a 4096-byte boundary (that is, a page boundary) and have a length that is a multiple of 4096 bytes.

Note that any virtual storage space assigned to one window cannot be simultaneously assigned to another window. If your MAP request specifies a virtual storage location, via the AREA parameter, that is part of another window, the system rejects the request.

You cannot free virtual storage that is mapped into a window as long as the map exists. Attempts to do this will cause your program to abend. Subsequent attempts to reference the mapped virtual space will cause an ABEND.

RETAIN: The RETAIN parameter determines what data you can view in the window. It can be either the contents of the virtual storage area (that corresponds to the window) the way it was before you invoked MAP, or it can be the contents of the object. The following table shows how using the RETAIN parameter with MAP affects the contents of the window.

RETAIN= Window view
NO (default) Contents of mapped object
YES Contents of virtual storage

If you specify RETAIN=NO, or do not specify the RETAIN parameter at all (which defaults to RETAIN=NO), the contents of the object replace the contents of the virtual storage whenever your program references a page in the window. Virtual storage that corresponds to a range beyond the end of the object appears as binary zeroes when referenced. You can use RETAIN=NO to change some data and save it back to the object.

If you specify RETAIN=YES, the window retains the contents of virtual storage. The contents of the window are not replaced by data from the object. If you issue a subsequent SAVE, the data in the window replaces the data on the object. If the window extends beyond the object and your program has not referenced the pages in the extending part of the window, the system does not save the extending pages. However, if your program has referenced the extending pages, the system does save them on the object, extending the object so it can hold the additional data.

You can also use RETAIN=YES to reduce the size of (truncate) the object. If the part you want to truncate is mapped with RETAIN=YES and the window consists of freshly obtained storage, the data object size is reduced at SAVE time.

If you want to have zeroes written at the end of the object, the corresponding virtual storage must be explicitly set to zero prior to the SAVE.

STOKEN: To reference an entire linear data set through a single window, a program might require a considerable amount of virtual storage. In this case, the program can use a data space or hiperspace to contain the window. If you want the virtual storage window to be in a data space or hiperspace, specify STOKEN when you invoke MAP. When you specify STOKEN, you provide an eight-byte input parameter that identifies the data space or hiperspace, and that was returned from DSPSERV CREATE.

However, do not place the window in a data space or hiperspace under the following circumstances:

PFCOUNT: PFCOUNT is useful for referencing sequential data. Because you get a page fault the first time you reference each page, preloading successive pages decreases the number of page faults.

The PFCOUNT parameter (nnn) is an unsigned decimal number up to 255. When an application references a mapped page, PFCOUNT tells the system that the program will be referencing this object in a sequential manner. PFCOUNT might improve performance because it asks the system to preload nnn pages, if possible. The system reads in nnn successive pages only to the end of the virtual range of the mapped area containing the originally referenced page, and only as resources are available.

You can use REFPAT INSTALL to define a reference pattern for the mapped area. In response to REFPAT, the system brings multiple pages into central storage when referenced. In this case, the PFCOUNT value you specify on DIV is not in effect as long as the reference pattern is in effect. When REFPAT REMOVE removes the definition of the reference pattern, the PFCOUNT you specify on DIV is again in effect. For information on the REFPAT macro, see z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference IAR-XCT.