Summary of environment on entry to an ESTAE-type recovery routine and its retry routine

Table 1 summarizes some of the environmental factors for ESTAE-type recovery routines under different conditions. Specifically, the table lists the status information of:
Table 1. Environments of ESTAE-Type Recovery Routines and their Retry Routines
Type of Recovery When macro was issued At entry to recovery routine At entry to retry routine
ESTAE ASC mode=primary


ASC mode=primary


Linkage stack at time of error (see Note 1)

EAX at time macro was issued

PKM at time macro was issued

ASC mode=primary


Linkage stack at time macro was issued (see Note 2)

EAX at time macro was issued

PKM at time macro was issued

ESTAEX or IEAARR ASC mode=primary or AR


ASC mode at time macro was issued

PASN and SASN at time macro was issued

Linkage stack at time of error (see Note 1)

EAX at time macro was issued

PKM at time macro was issued

ASC mode at time macro was issued

PASN and SASN at time macro was issued

Linkage stack at time macro was issued (see Note 2)

EAX at time macro was issued

PKM at time macro was issued

ARR N/A ASC mode at time stacking PC routine was entered

PASN and SASN at time stacking PC routine was entered

Linkable stack at time of error (see Note 1)

EAX at time stacking PC routine was entered

PKM at time stacking PC routine was entered

ASC mode at time stacking PC routine was entered

PASN and SASN at time stacking PC routine was entered

Linkage stack at time stacking PC routine was entered (see Note 2)

EAX at time stacking PC routine was entered

PKM at time stacking PC routine was entered

FESTAE ASC mode=primary


ASC mode=primary


Linkage stack at time of error (see Note 1)

EAX at time SVC routine was entered

PKM at time of error

ASC mode=primary


Linkage stack at time SVC routine was entered

EAX at time SVC routine was entered

PKM at time of error

ESTAI (through ATTACHX) ASC mode=primary or AR


ASC mode at time macro was issued


Linkage stack at time of error (see Note 1)

EAX at time macro the selected retry RB was entered (see Note 2)

EAX at time the macro was issued

PKM at time macro was issued

For possible environment restrictions, see Restricted environments

ASC mode at time macro was issued


Linkage stack at time the selected retry RB was entered (see Note 2)

EAX at time the selected retry RBG was entered

  1. When the recovery routine set the SDWALSLV field, the linkage stack presented to the retry routine might have additional entries beyond what was current at the time the recovery routine was activated.
  2. At time of entry to the recovery routine, the AMODE is the same as the time of invocation, except for ESTAEX, ARR, and IEAARR routines. ESTAEX and IEAARR routines that were established in AMODE 64 receive control in AMODE 64, otherwise ESTAEX, ARR, and IEAARR routines always receive control in AMODE 31.
  3. The AMODE at the retry point is the same as the AMODE on entry to the recovery routine, unless the SETRP RETRYAMODE= parameter specifies a specific retry AMODE.
  4. An ESTAE-type recovery routine is entered with PSW key 0 whenever it was defined with a PSW key less than 8. Otherwise, it is entered with the PSW key that existed at the time it was defined.
  5. The AX for the recovery routine or the retry routine is always the AX for the current PASN of the recovery routine or the retry routine, respectively. The system does not modify the AX value during recovery processing.