Gigabyte BLKSIZE type specification - Key = '0074'

DALGIG specifies a block size in gigabytes. (1 gigabyte = 1024 megabytes.) It is mutually exclusive with the kilobyte and megabyte block size type keys (DALKILO and DALMEG), and is used to specify that the block size requested on DALBLKSZ is in gigabytes. When you specify DALGIG, you must also code the DALBLKSZ key. When you specify DALGIG, the maximum PARM value for DALBLKSZ is '0002'. When you code DALGIG, # must be zero, and you do not specify LEN and PARM.

Example: To specify block size in gigabytes, code:
KEY    #      LEN    PARM
0074   0000    -       -