Assigning APF authorization to a load module

You can use the PARM field on the link edit step to assign the APF-authorization code to a load module. To assign an authorization code using JCL, code AC=1 in the operand field of the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement:

This method causes the system to consider every load module created by the linkage editor to be authorized.

The authorization code of a load module has meaning only when it resides in the link pack area or an APF-authorized data set and when the initiator attaches it as a jobstep task in a batch job or STC, or when the TSO/E terminal monitor program attaches the program (with appropriate TSO/E configuration) or when UNIX System Services attaches the program (again with appropriate UNIX System Services configuration). If no authorization code is assigned in the linkage editor step, the system assigns the default of unauthorized.

No security or integrity exposure exists if a program is link-edited into an unauthorized data set with authorization code AC=1. The job step task is not authorized when the first module of the job step task is loaded and no abend occurs. However, if the loaded module tries to execute functions or SVCs that require authorization, the system abnormally ends the program.