Shared and non-shared standard hiperspaces

Standard hiperspaces are either non-shared or shared. Your program can create and delete non-shared standard hiperspaces; it can use HSPSERV to access the non-shared standard hiperspaces that it owns. With help from a supervisor-state program or a program with PSW key 0 - 7, your program can also access a non-shared standard hiperspace that it does not own. Shared standard hiperspaces can be shared among programs in many address spaces. Although your programs can use the shared standard hiperspaces, they cannot create and delete them. Therefore, the sharing of hiperspaces must be done under the control of supervisor-state programs or programs with PSW key 0 - 7.

This information describes how you create and delete the non-shared standard hiperspaces and use these hiperspaces for your own program. Shared standard hiperspaces and the subject of sharing hiperspaces are described in the application development books that are available to writers of authorized programs.

Table 1 shows some important facts about non-shared standard hiperspaces:

Table 1. Facts about a Non-shared Standard Hiperspace™
Question Answer
Can it map a VSAM linear data set? Yes
Can it be a data-in-virtual object? Yes, if the hiperspace has not been the target of ALESERV ADD.
How do you write data to the hiperspace? By using HSPSERV SWRITE
How do you read data from the hiperspace? By using HSPSERV SREAD
What happens to the data in the hiperspace when the system swaps the owning address space out? The system preserves the data.