IXGQUERY: Get information about a log stream or system logger

Use the IXGQUERY service to retrieve information about a log stream in the sysplex, or retrieve the system logger ZAI SERVER and PORT values pertaining to the z/OS® IBM zAware server location.

When using the IXGQUERY service to retrieve information about a log stream in the sysplex, the information is returned in a buffer mapped by IXGQBUF. The information returned by IXGQUERY for a log stream includes:
When using the IXGQUERY service to retrieve system logger parameter options, the information is returned in a buffer mapped by IXGQZBUF. The information returned by IXGQUERY includes system logger parameter options for:

Since the system logger parameter options can change as a result of (SET or SETLOGR) commands, refer to topic Using ENF event code 48 in system logger applications for details on keeping informed of when changes to these parameters occur.

You must be in task mode to issue the IXGQUERY service or else the request is rejected.

For information about the IXGQBUF and IXGQZBUF fields, see z/OS MVS Data Areas in the z/OS Internet library.