Rules for creating, deleting, and managing data spaces

The SCOPE parameter determines what kind of data space a program creates. The three kinds of data spaces are SCOPE=SINGLE, SCOPE=ALL, and SCOPE=COMMON:

To protect data in data spaces, the system places certain restrictions on problem state programs with PSW key 8 - F. The problem state programs with PSW key 8 - F can use SCOPE=ALL and SCOPE=COMMON data spaces, but they cannot create or delete them. They use them only under the control of supervisor state or PSW key 0 - 7 programs. This chapter assumes that the data spaces your program creates, uses, and deletes are SCOPE=SINGLE data spaces.

The following figure summarizes the rules for problem state programs with PSW key 8 - F:

Table 1. Rules for How Problem State Programs with Key 8-F Can Use Data Spaces
Function Rules
CREATE Can create SCOPE=SINGLE data spaces.
DELETE Can delete the data spaces it creates or owns, provided the PSW key of the program matches the storage key of the data space.
RELEASE Can release storage in the data spaces it creates or owns, provided the PSW key of the program matches the storage key of the data space.
EXTEND Can extend the current size of the data spaces it owns.
Add entries to the DU-AL Can add entries to its DU-AL for the data spaces it created or owns.
Add entries to the PASN-AL Can add entries to the PASN-AL for the data spaces it created or owns, providing an entry is not already on the PASN-AL as a result of an ALESERV ADD by a problem state program with PSW key 8 - F. If the ALET is already on the PASN-AL, the system does not create a duplicate entry, but the program can still access the data space using the ALET that already exists.
Access a data space through a DU-AL or PASN-AL Can access a data space through its DU-AL and PASN-AL. The entry for a SCOPE=ALL or SCOPE=COMMON data space accessed through the PASN-AL must have been added to the PASN-AL by a program in supervisor state or PSW key 0 - 7. This program would have passed an ALET to the problem state PSW key 8 - F program.
LOAD Can page areas into central storage from a data space created by any other task in that address space.
OUT Can page areas out of central storage to a data space created by any other task in that address space.

There are other things that programs can do with data spaces. To do them, however, your program must be supervisor state or have a PSW key 0 - 7. For information on how these programs can use data spaces, see z/OS MVS Programming: Extended Addressability Guide.