IOSPTHV — Validate I/O paths


The IOSPTHV macro enables authorized callers to validate the physical connectivity and availability of a channel path to a device. A path is considered available if an I/O operation can be initiated down a path, and the device can be selected. Validation does not guarantee that the device and path are error free. The IOSPTHV function depends on the availability of the IOS Address Space (IOSAS). IOSAS is started after Master Scheduler Initialization (MSI), and may be unavailable for periods of time during recovery. The issuer of the IOSPTHV macro must be able to handle the return/reason code indicating that the IOSAS is not active.

IOSPTHV is similar to UCBINFO PATHINFO and the VARY command, but there are important differences. UCBINFO returns status based on UCB indicators that might be outdated. Unlike the VARY command, IOSPTHV does not change UCB path status indicators or dynamically vary paths online or offline. IOSPTHV only tests physical connectivity. Examples of when you might validate a path include:
  • To verify the current availability of a specific path to a specific device and present any path-related errors to a user.
  • As a first step in diagnosing path-related problems.
  • After installing a device, to verify channel to device connectivity before issuing a VARY command for the device.


The requirements for the caller are:

Environmental factor Requirement
Minimum Authorization: Supervisor state and any PSW key
Dispatchable unit mode: Task
Cross memory mode: PASN=HASN=SASN
AMODE: 31-bit
ASC mode: Primary
Interrupt status: Enabled for I/O and external interrupts
Locks: No locks held
Control parameters: Control parameters must be in the primary address space

Programming requirements



Do not have any enabled, unlocked task (EUT) FRRs established. If issued during IPL before the IOSAS (IOS address space) has initialized, MSI must have completed and WAIT=YES must be specified on the IOSPTHV macro.

If you attempt to validate a path to an active teleprocessing device (device types 2701, 2702, and 2703) or to an OSA or CTC device in use by VTAM with a long running I/O active, you will receive an error return and reason code.

Input register information

Before issuing the IOSPTHV macro, the caller does not have to place any information into any register unless using it in register notation for a particular parameter, or using it as a base register.

Output register information

When control returns to the caller, the GPRs contain:
Reason code
Used as a work register by the system
Used as a work register by the system
Return code
When control returns to the caller of the IOSPTHV macro, the access registers (ARs) contain:

Some callers depend on register contents remaining the same before and after invoking a service. If the system changes the contents of registers on which the caller depends, the caller must save them before issuing the service, and restore them after the system returns control.

Performance implications



The standard form of the IOSPTHV macro is written as follows:

Syntax Description
   name name: symbol. Begin name in column 1.
One or more blanks must precede IOSPTHV.
One or more blanks must follow IOSPTHV.
,DEVN=device number device number: RX-type address or address in register (2) - (12).
,CHPID=path id path id: RX-type address or address in register (2) - (12).
   ,MSGBUF=msgbuf addr msgbuf addr: RX-type address or address in register (2) - (12).
  Default: none
   ,IOCTOKEN=ioctoken addr ioctoken addr: RX-type address or address in register (2) - (12).
  Default: none
   ,TIME=time time: RX-type address or address in register (2) - (12).
  Default: 5 seconds
   ,RETCODE=return code return code: RX-type address or address in register (2) - (12).
   ,RSNCODE=return code reason code: RX-type address or address in register (2) - (12).
   ,WAIT=NO Default: NO

Parameter descriptions

The parameters are explained as follows:

,DEVN=device number
Specifies the device's binary device number (0000 - FFFF). IOSPTHV checks the availability of the path you specify on the CHPID parameter to the device you specify on DEVN. IOSPTHV pins the device so that the device's UCB and other related data structures are not dynamically deleted while IOSPTHV is validating the path. When IOSPTHV completes processing, it unpins the device.
,CHPID=path id
Specifies the ID (00 - FF) of the channel path that IOSPTHV validates for physical availability. To determine the ID for a specific channel path connected to the device specified on DEVN, use the UCBINFO PATHINFO macro or the DISPLAY MATRIX operator command.
,MSGBUF=msgbuf addr
Specifies the address of a 71-character area into which IOSPTHV is to place diagnosis information. IOSPTHV uses this buffer only if the return code is X'04' and the reason code is X'04'. This information consists of the same message that is issued by the VARY command for comparable errors. This message is the last message that MVS™ would have issued if a VARY PATH command had been issued and a similar error had been encountered. IOSPTHV does not issue a message to the operator console.
,IOCTOKEN=ioctoken addr
Specifies the address of a 48-character area that contains the MVS I/O configuration token that you supply to IOSPTHV. You can obtain this token by issuing the IOCINFO macro, which is described in z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference ABE-HSP. If the I/O configuration token that is current when IOSPTHV is invoked does not match the token you supply, you are notified through a return code.

If you set the input IOCTOKEN to binary zeros, IOSPTHV sets IOCTOKEN to the current I/O configuration token.

For information about how you can use the configuration token to detect configuration changes, see z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide.

Is an optional keyword input that indicates to allow the request to wait for the IOS address space (IOSAS) to initialize or restart (if terminated) before continuing. WAIT=NO is the default.

WAIT=NO: Only process if the IOS address space has been initialized and not terminated.

WAIT=YES: Allows the request to wait for the IOSAS space to initialize as long as MSI has completed. Allows the request to wait for the IOS address space to reinitialize if terminated. The user of this keyword must ensure that no no resources are held that can cause the IOSAS not to initialize.

Specifies an 8-byte field containing the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that IOSPTHV can run before being purged. The default for the TIME parameter is 5 seconds.

The time interval, whose address resides in virtual storage, is presented as zoned decimal digits of the form:

HHMMSSth, where:
is hours (24-hour clock)
is minutes
is seconds
is tenths of seconds
is hundredths of seconds
IOSPTHV runs until one of the following occurs:
  • IOSPTHV completes successfully or unsuccessfully
  • The interval that you specify on the TIME=parameter expires
  • The MIH interval for the device expires.

Note that the TIME parameter allows you to set an expiration time that is specific to IOSPTHV. The MIH interval, however, is used by other services associated with the device. Using the TIME parameter allows you to set an expiration time that is shorter than the MIH interval or the time that it takes the IOSPTHV macro to complete successfully.

Specifies the location or register where the system is to place the return code. The system copies the return code into the location from register 15.
Specifies the location or register where the system is to place the reason code. The system copies the reason code into the location from register 0.

Return and reason codes

Return codes, in hexadecimal, from the IOSPTHV macro are as follows:

Hexadecimal Return Code Hexadecimal Reason Code Meaning and Action
00 None Meaning: IOSPTHV processing completed successfully. IOSPTHV successfully validated the specified path. The path is physically available.

Action: None

04 04 Meaning: IOSPTHV did not successfully validate the specified path because the path was not physically available.

Action: You need to investigate the problem further. Trying to vary the path online may produce further diagnosis data.

04 08 Meaning: User-specified time interval on the TIME keyword expired before the I/O completed.

Action: Verify that the time interval was long enough. Note that this return code is issued only if the time expired before the MIH interval. You can use the D MIH command or the MIHQUERY macro to determine the MIH interval for the device.

08 04 Meaning: IOSPTHV did not successfully validate the specified path because the device number specified on the DEVN keyword is not valid.

Action: Ensure that you specified the device number correctly and retry the operation. Use the IOCTOKEN keyword to ensure that the UCB for that device number was not dynamically changed or deleted.

08 08 Meaning: IOSPTHV did not successfully validate the specified path because the path specified on the CHPID keyword is not valid.

Action: Verify your program to ensure that the correct CHPID was passed and retry the operation. Use the IOCTOKEN keyword to ensure that the CHPID for the device was not dynamically changed or deleted.

08 0C Meaning: IOSPTHV did not successfully validate the specified path because the time specified on the TIME keyword was not valid.

Action: Ensure that the time specified contains valid zoned decimal digits in the proper range.

08 20 Meaning: IOSPTHV did not successfully validate the specified path because the UCB definition for the device represented by the look-up argument (device number) has changed and is no longer consistent with the UCB definition represented by the input I/O configuration token. (This return code is only valid for callers using the IOCTOKEN keyword.)

Action: Ensure that the device number and CHPID are still valid and retry the operation passing a current IOCTOKEN.

08 24 Meaning: Processing cannot be performed before the IOS address space (IOSAS) has initialized (unless MSI has has completed and the WAIT=YES keyword was specified).

Action: Retry the operation later in the IPL, after the IOSAS has been initialized, or after MSI by using the WAIT=YES keyword.

08 28 Meaning: IOSPTHV did not successfully validate the specified path because an ESTAE environment could not be established.

Action: Ensure that sufficient private area storage exists and retry the operation.

0C None Meaning: An unexpected error occurred.

Action: Record the return code and supply it to the appropriate IBM® support personnel.


Determine if a channel path to the SYSRES device is available without changing the online/offline status of the path. Scan through all UCBs, using the UCBSCAN macro, and put copies of the DASD UCBs the program finds in a user-supplied work area called UCBSTOR. When the program finds the SYSRES device, issue the UCBINFO macro to obtain information about the device path and type of channel path for the specified UCB. Information, such as the channel path ID and online status, will appear in the IOSDPATH data area. The program looks through the channel path information until it finds an online path. Issue the IOSPTHV macro to test whether the online path is available.
IOSSPTHV AMODE 31                      31-BIT ADDRESSING MODE
IOSSPTHV RMODE ANY                     Rmode any
         SPACE 1
*         REGISTER ASSIGNMENTS                                        *
R0       EQU   0
R1       EQU   1
R2       EQU   2
R3       EQU   3
R4       EQU   4
R5       EQU   5
R6       EQU   6                     Dynamic area register
UCBPTR7  EQU   7                     UCB Pointer
R8       EQU   8
R9       EQU   9                     Module base register
R10      EQU   10
R11      EQU   11
R12      EQU   12
R13      EQU   13                    Pointer to standard save area
R14      EQU   14
R15      EQU   15
         SPACE 3
         TITLE 'IOSSPTHV -  IOSPTHV Sample Program'
*                                                                     *
*        Standard Entry Linkage                                       *
*                                                                     *
         PRINT GEN
         USING *,R9               Sets up base register
ENTRY    STM   R14,R12,12(R13)    Save caller's registers
         LR    R9,R15             Establish module base register
         LA    R0,DYNSIZE         Load length of dynamic area
         STORAGE OBTAIN,LENGTH=((R0)),SP=233 Gets dynamic area
         LR    R6,R1              Gets dynamic area address
         USING DYNAREA,R6         Sets up dynamic area
         ST    R13,SAVE+4         Save caller's save area address
         LA    R15,SAVE           Get this module's save area address
         ST    R15,8(R13)         Save this modules save area address
*                                 in caller's save area.
         LR    R13,R15            Set up addressability to this
*                                 module's save area.
         B     MAINLINE
         DC    CL8'IOSSPTHV'
         DC    CL8'&SYSDATE'
         DC    CL8'&SYSTIME'
         TITLE 'IOSSPTHV - SPTHV mainline '
*                                                                     *
*        MAINLINE                                                     *
*                                                                     *
              L     10,X'10'           Load CVT pointer
              USING CVT,10
              TM   CVTDCB,CVTOSEXT     Is the OSLEVEL extension present
              BNO  NO_IOSPTHV          No, pre-MVS/SP Version 3 system
              TM   CVTOSLV1,CVTH5510   Running on version HBB5510?
              BNO  NO_IOSPTHV          No, pre-HBB5510 system. IOSPTHV
*                                      supported on HBB5510 and above
*                                                                     *
*   Set up addressability to a storage area called UCBSTOR into which *
*   the UCBSCAN macro will return the UCBs of devices it locates.     *
*                                                                     *
              LA       UCBPTR7,UCBSTOR    Get address of work area
              USING    UCB,UCBPTR7        Set up addressability
*                                                                     *
*   Clear the UCBSCAN work area.                                      *
*                                                                     *
              LA  R0,SCANWORK             Set storage address
              LA  R1,100                  Set storage length
              SR  R15,R15                 Clear second operand
              MVCL  R0,R14                Clear the storage
*                                                                     *
*   Loop through all DASD UCBs looking for the SYSRES volume.         *
*                                                                     *
*   Note: There must be a SYSRES volume, and hence it will be found   *
*         in the scan loop which follows.                             *
*                                                                     *
SCANLOOP UCBSCAN COPY,                                                 X
               WORKAREA=SCANWORK,                                      X
               UCBAREA=UCBSTOR,                                        X
               DEVCLASS=DASD,                                          X
*                                                                     *
*   If UCBSCAN returned a UCB, check whether the UCB represents       *
*   the SYSRES volume.  If it isn't, continue checking more UCBs.  If *
*   the UCB represents the SYSRES device, end the loop.               *
*                                                                     *
              LTR R15,R15            Test return code
              BNZ EXIT_ERROR         Exit if non-zero
              TM UCBSTAT,UCBSYSR     Test if SYSRES volume
              BZ SCANLOOP            Keep looping if not
*                                                                     *
*   Issue the UCBINFO macro to obtain path-related information.       *
*   UCBINFO returns this information in a field called PATHSTOR,      *
*   mapped by IOSDPATH.                                               *
*                                                                     *
*   Note- Since the device whose path information is sought is the    *
*         SYSRES device, an online path is certain to be found.       *
*         No loop counter is used.                                    *
*                                                                     *
         UCBINFO PATHINFO,                                             X
               DEVN=UCBCHAN,                                           X
               PATHAREA=PATHSTOR,                                      X
*                                                                     *
*   If UCBINFO cannot retrieve path-related information, that is, you *
*   receive a non-zero return code, exit program.                     *
*                                                                     *
              LTR      R15,R15           Test for 0 return code
              BNZ      EXIT_ERROR        Exit if bad RC
*                                                                     *
*   Loop through the channel path ID array entries returned in        *
*   PATHSTOR to find the first online path.  An online path           *
*   is represented by a flag in the array.                            *
*                                                                     *
              LA      R10,PATHSTOR      Address of PATHINFO data
              USING   PATH,R10          Set up addressability to
*                                       path information.
              SR      R8,R8             CHPID array index register.
CHPID_LOOP    IC      R11,PATHBITS(R8)  Get flags from array entry.
              STC     R11,PATHSAVE      Save entry
              TM      PATHSAVE,X'04'    Test if the path is online
              BO      CHPID_EXIT        If so, exit the loop
              LA      R8,L'PATHCHPIDARRAY(R8)   Increment array index
              B       CHPID_LOOP
CHPID_EXIT    LH      R11,PATHCHPID(R8) Get the ID for the online
*                                       channel path.
              STC     R11,CHPID         Save the ID for the online
*                                       channel path.
*                                                                     *
*   Test the availability of the first online path to the SYSRES      *
*   volume by issuing the IOSPTHV macro.  Supply the channel          *
*   path ID of the online path on the CHPID parameter.                *
*                                                                     *
*   Note: Although the logical path mask (LPM) indicated that         *
*         the path was logically online to the device, it is          *
*         possible that the path is not operational.  IOSPTHV         *
*         performs an I/O operation down the path to                  *
*         determine if a non-operational condition exits.             *
*                                                                     *
         IOSPTHV DEVN=UCBCHAN,                                         X
               CHPID=CHPID,                                            X
*                                                                     *
*   A zero return code indicates an operational path to               *
*   the specified device.  A non-zero return code indicates           *
*   a non-operational path.  In the latter case, examine the          *
*   return and reason code to determine the cause.                    *
*                                                                     *
              LTR R15,R15
              BZ  PATH_OK
              B PATH_NOK
PATH_OK       DS 0D
              B EXIT
              B EXIT
*                                                                     *
*    Return a message to tell the user that the                       *
*    IOSPTHV macro is not available on the system executing           *
*    this sample program.                                             *
*                                                                     *
NO_IOSPTHV     DS       0H
              B EXIT
*                                                                     *
*    Return a message to the user alerting the user to an error       *
*    encountered during execution of this sample program.             *
*                                                                     *
EXIT_ERROR    DS       0H
*                                                                     *
*    Clean up and exit.                                               *
*                                                                     *
EXIT            DS    0H
                L     R13,SAVE+4              Reloads caller's save
*                                             area addr into 11
                LA    R0,DYNSIZE              Loads dynamic area size
                STORAGE RELEASE,SP=233,ADDR=(R6),LENGTH=(R0)
                LM    R14,R12,12(R13)         Loads return regs
                BR    R14                     Returns to caller
*                                                                      *
*    DSECTs to map save areas and dynamic area                         *
*                                                                      *
*        Save area
SAVE          DS   18F
              DS   0D             Force doubleword alignment
              SPACE 2
*                                                                      *
*  List forms of macros.  The list and execute forms of these macros   *
*  are used because this module is reentrant.                          *
*                                                                      *
PATHSTOR      DS   CL256                Storage for the PATHAREA
SCANWORK      DS CL100                  Scan work area
UCBSTOR       DS CL48                   UCB copy storage
*                                                                      *
*  Work variables and data structures local to this module             *
*                                                                      *
CHPID         DS C                   CHPID used for IOSCDR invocation
PATHSAVE      DS C                   Work variable for CHPID array
*                                    entries in the PATHAREA.
END_DYN       DS    0D
DYNSIZE       EQU   *-DYNAREA        Calculates Dynamic area
*                                                                      *
*  DSECTs                                                              *
*                                                                      *
         END   IOSSPTHV