z/OS DFSMSrmm Diagnosis Guide
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Using the DFSMSrmm CIM logger

z/OS DFSMSrmm Diagnosis Guide

The DFSMSrmm CIM logger is a fully-controllable logging facility that uses the Jakarta log4j package. This logger logs events during a CIM request based on your specified severity level. The severity levels are:
  • INFO

The DFSMSrmm CIM logger is designed so that all incoming entries are appended to the log file, even if the CIM provider is stopped and restarted, and no previous entries are overwritten. Also, the DFSMSrmm CIM logger creates a backup file whenever the log file exceeds the limit specified by the keyword, log4j.appender.R.MaxFileSize.

All logger settings for the DFSMSrmm CIM provider are found in the configuration file, rmmlog.properties.

The keywords to use with the DFSMSrmm CIM logger are:
log4j.rootCategory = threshold level, R
Specifies the severity level of events that should be logged. Events with a severity level equal to or greater (more severe) than this threshold are logged. Events with a severity level less than this threshold are not logged.
This is the lowest logging level. If this is selected, the complete path is logged.
This is the default. If this is selected, successful operations are logged, such as the DFSMSrmm CIM provider is initialized.
If this is selected, recoverable malfunctions are logged, such as the DFSMSrmm Web service is offline.
If this is selected, real errors are logged, such as timeout situations from the DFSMSrmm Web service or XML validation errors.
If this is selected, fatal errors are logged, such as well-formedness errors of the XML response, or if DFSMSrmm terminates with an error message suffix of "S".
, R
, R refers to the DFSMSrmm CIM logger name and is referenced in the configuration file. Do not change this.
log4j.appender.R.File = rmmcim.log
Specifies the name of the DFSMSrmm CIM logger file. In this example, rmmcim.log is the DFSMSrmm CIM logger name that is located in the project root directory.
log4j.appender.R = org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
This is the default. Logging is done into a file. All incoming entries are appended to the log file, even if the DFSMSrmm CIM provider is stopped and restarted. No previous entries are overwritten. Backup files of this log are created when the defined size is exceeded (see the log4j.appender.R.MaxFileSize keyword).
log4j.appender.R.MaxFileSize = 500KB
Specifies the file size threshold before a backup file is created. The backup file is automatically named as the log file, but with the suffix .1 added. A second backup file is created when the log file exceeds the limit again. Now, the first backup file created is renamed to xyz.2, and the second backup file is named, xyz.1. Backup files are created as often as specified in the log4j.appender.R.MaxBackupIndex keyword.
log4j.appender.R.MaxBackupIndex = 9
Specifies the number of backup files to be created. In this example, the log4j.appender.R.MaxBackupIndex keyword equals 9. This means that the 10th attempt for a backup file results in discarding of the 9th backup file (oldest).
At the end of the configuration file, line formatting is defined.
log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%-25F:%5L %-20M] %-5p - %m%n
These two settings specify the line format for each log entry. You can use the current setting, however, you can also change it to meet your needs. The current format looks like this:
<----- Timestamp ------>[<------- File Name ----->:Line#<--- Method Name --->]<Level>- Log Message

Do not to confuse the log file, rmmcim.log, with the logger configuration file, rmmlog.properties, when you delete the log file to start from scratch. The log file, rmmcim.log, can be deleted any time and is always rebuilt at the next CIM-provider request. Deletion of the configuration file, rmmlog.properties, results in an error.

For additional information on the features and capabilities of the log4j package, go to: http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/manual.html

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