z/OS DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide
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Synchronizing the DFSMSrmm control data set with user catalogs in a fully shared catalog environment

z/OS DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide

You can use shared user catalogs whether or not the control data set and user catalogs are synchronized. Synchronize the DFSMSrmm control data set and user catalogs so that DFSMSrmm does not need to locate catalog information for every data set that is managed using catalog control. To synchronize the DFSMSrmm control data set with user catalogs:

  1. Install the DFSMSrmm level of code that performs catalog tracking and catalog synchronization on all systems that are sharing the control data set. When you have the correct level of DFSMSrmm code installed, DFSMSrmm dynamically records all catalog updates for tape data sets in the DFSMSrmm control data set.
  2. Run the DFSMSrmm EDGHSKP utility with the PARM=CATSYNCH,VERIFY parameter as a trial run to find all the differences between the DFSMSrmm control data set and the catalogs and to ensure that the catalogs can be used successfully. Before you run CATSYNCH, you should verify that your MESSAGE data set is large enough to contain all the messages issued during the verify processing. For example, when you run CATSYNCH for the first time, perhaps as part of DFSMSrmm implementation, or when you run CATSYNCH with VERIFY, you should expect messages for each data set where the status is different between the catalogs and the DFSMSrmm control data set.
  3. Specify the DFSMSrmm EDGRMMxx parmlib OPTION CATSYSID(*). When the CATSYSID operand is specified in the EDGRMMxx parmlib member, you cannot run VRSEL or EXPROC processing unless the control data set is synchronized or CATSYNCH is specified in the same processing run. When running EDGHSKP expiration processing or vital record processing, if CATSYSID(*) is specified in the EDGRMMxx parmlib member and the control data set is not synchronized with the catalogs, DFSMSrmm initiates catalog synchronization even if you have not specified it.
  4. Set up automatic synchronization by automating the responses to DFSMSrmm messages EDG8200E and EDG8201E. Run the EDGUTIL UPDATE with the SYSIN command CONTROL CATSYNCH(NO).
  5. Run the DFSMSrmm EDGHSKP utility with the PARM=CATSYNCH parameter to synchronize all data set records in the control data set with the status from the catalog. Before you run CATSYNCH you should verify that your MESSAGE data set is large enough to contain all the messages issued during the catalog synchronization process. For example, when you run CATSYNCH for the first time, perhaps as part of DFSMSrmm implementation, or you run CATSYNCH with VERIFY you should expect messages for each data set that must be updated or the status is different between the catalogs and the DFSMSrmm control data set.

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