z/OS DFSMS OAM Planning, Installation, and Storage Administration Guide for Object Support
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z/OS DFSMS OAM Planning, Installation, and Storage Administration Guide for Object Support

SAMPLIB member CBRAPROC, as shown here, creates member OAM in PROCLIB.
//CBRAPROC JOB  MSGLEVEL=(1,1),MSGCLASS=A                              
//*  $SEG(CBRAPROC) COMP(OSMC) PROD(OAM):                              
//*  OAM Update PROCLIB Job (for OAM procedure).                       
//*  This job will create a procedure in PROCLIB that can be used      
//*  to start OAM.                                                     
//*  NOTE: If the DB2 load module library containing DSNALI is         
//*        not in the LNKLST concatenation, either include             
//*        the DB2 load module library in the SYS1.LINKLIB             
//*        concatenation (LNKLSTxx) or add a STEPLIB DD to             
//*        this PROCEDURE.                                             
//*        If a STEPLIB is used, then that concatenation must be       
//*        APF-authorized.                                             
//*    Note:                                                           
//*      If you want to have access to SETOAM, SETOPT, SETOSMC,        
//*      SETDISK, SETTLIB, and OAMXCF statements in the                
//*      PARMLIB member (required for many functions, such as          
//*      writing to tape volumes, using an OAMplex, multiple 
//*      backups, etc), you must update this job step to               
//*      include 'OAM=&OAM , and you must supply the default            
//*      OAM=xx (where xx is the low order suffix of your CBROAMxx      
//*      PARMLIB member) specification on the PROC statement.           
//*      Refer to OAM Planning, Installation, and Storage               
//*      Administration Guide for Object Support for more info.         
//*  CHANGE ACTIVITY:                                                   
//*    $L0=JDP3227 320 890601 TUCJRL: Initial Release                   
//*    $P1=KBI0238 331 900904 TUCKHB: Added the UNLOAD keyword and      
//*                                   made OSMC, MAXS, and UNLOAD       
//*                                   procedure variables.              
//*    $L1=HDZ11C0 130 940818 TUCGRD: Added the EJECT keyword           
//*    $01=OW22202 1C0 960809 TUCLJT: Added the RESTART keyword         
//*    $P2=K190347 R19 060921 TUCBLC: RESTART is reserved word so       
//*                                   change to REST                    
//         EXEC PGM=IEBUPDTE,PARM=NEW                                   
//SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=A                                                
//SYSUT2   DD   DSNAME=SYS1.PROCLIB,DISP=SHR                            
//SYSIN    DD   DATA                                                    
./         ADD   NAME=OAM,LEVEL=01,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL                    
./      NUMBER   NEW1=10,INCR=10                                        
//IEFPROC EXEC PGM=CBROAM,REGION=0M,                                    
//    'EJECT=&EJECT','RESTART=&REST')                                   
//SYSABEND DD SYSOUT=A                                                  
./      ENDUP                                                           

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