z/OS DFSMS Implementing System-Managed Storage
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Defining the Default Management Class

z/OS DFSMS Implementing System-Managed Storage

Define a default management class and name it STANDEF to correspond with the entry in the base configuration.

Recommendation: Specifically assign all system-managed data to a management class. If you do not supply a default, DFSMShsm uses two days on primary storage, and 60 days on migration level 1 storage, as the default.

No management classes are assigned when the minimal configuration is active. Definition of this default is done here to prepare for use in the Managing Permanent Data milestone.

The management class, STANDEF, is defined in the starter set's SCDS. You can copy its definition to your own SCDS in the same way as the storage class was copied. If you choose to define the default management class:

  1. Enter a 3 (Management Class) on the ISMF Primary Option Menu to display the Management Class Application Selection panel (see Figure 1).
    Figure 1. Defining a Management Class for the Minimal Configuration
       Panel  Utilities  Scroll  Help
                         MANAGEMENT CLASS APPLICATION SELECTION         Page 1 of 2
     Command ===>
     To perform Management Class Operations, Specify:
       CDS Name  . . . . . . . . . 'USER6.MYSCDS'
                                    (1 to 44 character data set name or 'Active' )
       Management Class Name . . . MC1      (For Management Class List, fully or
                                             partially specified or * for all)
     Select one of the following options  :
       3  1. List    - Generate a list of Management Classes
          2. Display - Display a Management Class
          3. Define  - Define a Management Class
          4. Alter   - Alter a Management Class
     If List Option is chosen,
        Enter "/" to select option      Respecify View Criteria
                                        Respecify Sort Criteria
     Use ENTER to Perform Selection; Use DOWN Command to View next Selection Panel;
     Use HELP Command for Help; Use END Command to Exit.
  2. Specify values in the CDS Name and Management Class Name fields. The CDS name must be the same name that you specified for the SCDS on the CDS Application Selection panel (see Figure 1). In this example, the SCDS name is YOUR.OWN.SCDS and the management class name is STANDEF.

    Enter a 3 (Define) to view the first page of the Management Class Define panel (see Figure 2).

    Figure 2. Management Class Define Panel, Page 1 of 6
       Panel  Utilities  Scroll  Help
                              MANAGEMENT CLASS DEFINE               Page 1 of 6
     Command ===>
     SCDS Name . . . . . . : USER6.MYSCDS
     Management Class Name : MC1
     To DEFINE Management Class, Specify:
       Description ==> Installation default management class
                   ==> assigned when MC ACS routine assigns no class.
       Expiration Attributes
         Expire after Days Non-usage  . . NOLIMIT     (1 to 93000 or NOLIMIT)
         Expire after Date/Days . . . . . NOLIMIT     (0 to 93000, yyyy/mm/dd or
       Retention Limit  . . . . . . . . . NOLIMIT     (0 to 93000 or NOLIMIT)
     Use ENTER to Perform Verification; Use DOWN Command to View next Panel;
     Use HELP Command for Help; Use END Command to Save and Exit; CANCEL to Exit.

    SCDS Name and Management Class Name are output fields containing the values that you specified on the Management Class Application Selection panel (see Figure 1). Description is an optional field of 120 characters that you can use to describe the management class.

  3. Use the default of NOLIMIT for the Expire after Days Non-usage field, the Expire after Date/Days field, and the Retention Limit field. This means the data set is never eligible for expiration.

    For allocations not covered by management classes, you can override the expiration date when deletions are done for system-managed DASD data sets. To do this, use the OVRD_EXPDT keyword in the IGDSMSxx member of the PARMLIB. This should only be done when management class cannot be used, and it is only for use with tape allocations converted to DASD. You should only use this if you never use expiration dates for DASD data sets.

    Scroll down to perform verification and to display the second page of the Management Class Define panel, shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 3. Management Class Define Panel, Page 2 of 6
       Panel  Utilities  Scroll  Help
                              MANAGEMENT CLASS DEFINE               Page 2 of 6
     Command ===>
     SCDS Name . . . . . . : USER6.MYSCDS
     Management Class Name : MC1
     To DEFINE Management Class, Specify:
       Partial Release . . . . . . . . . N           (Y, C, YI, CI or N)
       Migration Attributes
         Primary Days Non-usage  . . . . 2           (0 to 9999 or blank)
         Level 1 Days Non-usage  . . . . 15          (0 to 9999, NOLIMIT or blank)
         Command or Auto Migrate . . . . BOTH        (BOTH, COMMAND or NONE)
       GDG Management Attributes
         # GDG Elements on Primary . . .             (0 to 255 or blank)
         Rolled-off GDS Action . . . . .             (MIGRATE, EXPIRE or blank)
     Use ENTER to Perform Verification; Use UP/DOWN Command to View other Panels;
     Use HELP Command for Help; Use END Command to Save and Exit; CANCEL to Exit.

    SCDS Name and Management Class Name are output fields containing the values that you specified on the Management Class Application Selection panel (see Figure 1).

  4. Specify N in the Partial Release field to inhibit DFSMShsm's space management from releasing allocated but unused space. We specified a short life on primary and migration level 1 for these data sets, to prevent over-commitment of primary and migration level 1 storage. These data sets should be re-assigned a management class that is more appropriate than the default. Specify BOTH in the Command or Auto Migrate field to permit DFSMShsm, the storage administrator, or the user to manage the data set.

    Scroll down to perform the verification and to display the third page of the Management Class Define panel shown in Figure 4.

    Figure 4. Management Class Define Panel, Page 3 of 6
    Panel  Utilities  Scroll  Help                                              
                             MANAGEMENT CLASS DEFINE               Page 3 of 6    
    Command ===>                                                                  
    SCDS Name . . . . . . : USER6.MYCDS                                           
    Management Class Name : MC1                                                   
    To DEFINE Management Class, Specify:                                          
      Backup Attributes                                                           
        Backup Frequency  . . . . . . . . 1        (0 to 9999 or blank)           
        Number of Backup Vers . . . . . . 2        (1 to 100 or blank)            
          (Data Set Exists)                                                       
        Number of Backup Vers . . . . . . 1        (0 to 100 or blank)            
          (Data Set Deleted)                                                      
        Retain days only Backup Ver . . . 60       (1 to 9999, NOLIMIT or blank)  
          (Data Set Deleted)                                                      
        Retain days extra Backup Vers . . 30       (1 to 9999, NOLIMIT or blank)  
        Admin or User command Backup  . . BOTH     (BOTH, ADMIN or NONE)          
        Auto Backup . . . . . . . . . . . Y        (Y or N)                       
        Backup Copy Technique . . . . . . S        (P, R, S, VP, VR, CP or CR)    
    Use ENTER to Perform Verification; Use UP/DOWN Command to View other Panels;  
    Use HELP Command for Help; Use END Command to Save and Exit; Cancel to Exit.                    

    SCDS Name and Management Class Name are output fields containing the values that you entered on the Management Class Application Selection panel (see Figure 1).

  5. In the Backup Attributes fields, specify that a minimal number of backup versions be retained for the data set. Specify BOTH for Admin or User command Backup, Y for Auto Backup to ensure that the data set is retained on both DFSMShsmbackup volumes and migration level 2, and let Backup Copy Technique default. Leave the remaining fields blank.

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