Allow printer sessions with RESTRICTAPPL

The ALLOWPRINTER option enables printers to establish a session with an application defined as a RESTRICTAPPL. Telnet verifies all session requests before finishing session setup, and if the application name is restricted by the RESTRICTAPPL statement, Telnet requires the user to enter a user ID and password before session initiation begins. The user of a printer emulator has no way to provide a user ID and password, and you might want to allow printer sessions without the user ID and password verification, mimicking the behavior of the ALLOWAPPL statement. The ALLOWPRINTER option on RESTRICTAPPL gives you the flexibility to keep the terminal LU sessions restricted while allowing all printer LU sessions access to the application, without user ID and password. In most cases, printer sessions originate from the application and not the user, keeping security control in the application. However, use this option with care if you have coded PRTDEFAULTAPPL or PRTMAP-DEFAPPL. In this case, it is possible for users to originate a printer session.