Hot standby distribution

You can use the hot standby distribution method to configure sysplex distributor to have one preferred target server and one or more backup (hot standby) target servers. In this configuration, sysplex distributor does not perform load balancing of new connection requests across multiple targets; rather, a preferred target server with an active listener receives all new incoming connection requests. The hot standby target servers, which typically also have a ready listener application, do not receive any new connections requests; they act as backup target servers in case the designated preferred target server become unavailable. A target is considered unavailable if any of the following conditions are true:

The hot standby distribution method is useful in situations where there is a trade-off between availability and performance, such as a scenario where data sharing between multiple server applications and LPARs is required for availability, but it is more efficient if the work runs on one LPAR instead of interlocking access to the same data across multiple LPARs. For example, if you prefer that an application instance on one LPAR, if available, always handle the workload, and an application instance on another LPAR that is otherwise performing lower priority work be available for backup, use the hot standby distribution method.