Files for z/OS UNIX REXECD

Note: The user ID associated with the daemon in /etc/inetd.conf requires superuser authority. See z/OS UNIX System Services Planning for a description of the kinds of authority defined for daemons.

The files used by z/OS® UNIX REXECD and their locations in the z/OS UNIX file system are as follows:

The ports for each application are defined here.
The configuration parameters for usage of syslogd are defined in this file.
The configuration parameters for all applications started by inetd are defined in this file.
The server.

If BPX.DAEMON is specified, then the sticky bit must be set on, and /usr/sbin/orexecd, and orexecd can be in an authorized MVS™ data set.

The message catalog used by the z/OS UNIX REXECD server.
Note: This is not an actual member at this location, but it is a symbolic link to the part in /usr/lpp/tcpip/nls/msg/C/*.

Where the server looks for the message catalog ( depends on the value of NLSPATH and LANG environment variables. If you want to store the msg.cats elsewhere, you need to change the NLSPATH or the LANG environment variables. If does not exist, by default, the software uses the messages hard-coded within the software. These messages duplicate the English message catalog that is shipped with the product.