Defining security labels on other profiles in the SERVAUTH class

A z/OS® system with RACF® SETROPTS MLACTIVE requires all resource profiles defined in the SERVAUTH class to have a security label. All z/OS Communications Server profiles in the SERVAUTH class have EZA, EZB, or IST as the first qualifier. Resource profiles that require meaningful security labels, such as EZB.STACKACCESS and EZB.NETACCESS, are explicitly identified in this information. The following resource profiles can be defined with the SYSNONE security label: Some installations might want to define SO_BROADCAST with the SYSLOW security label to further reduce the exposure of data write_down by restricting datagram broadcast to users running with SYSLOW or SYSMULTI. All other z/OS Communications Server resource profiles can be defined with the SYSNONE security label.