Example 3

The following key exchange rule for an IKEv2 phase 1 negotiation uses digital signature authentication:

KeyExchangeRule             IKEv2_Example
  LocalSecurityEndpointRef  Internal_IKED
  RemoteSecurityEndpointRef ZoneA_IKED
  KeyExchangeActionRef      IKEv2-DigitalSignature

This rule defines the parameters for the IKEv2 phase 1 negotiation between two hosts that are identified by the security endpoints Internal_IKED and ZoneA_IKED (presumed to be defined elsewhere in the policy file). The specifics of the negotiation are covered by the IKEv2-DigitalSignature action as follows:

KeyExchangeAction            IKEv2-DigitalSignature
   HowToInitiate             IKEv2
   HowToAuthMe               DigitalSignature
   ReauthInterval            0
   BypassIpValidation        Yes
      HowToEncrypt           AES_CBC KeyLength 128
      HowToVerifyMsgs        HMAC_SHA1_96
      PseudoRandomFunction   HMAC_SHA1
      HowToAuthPeers         RsaSignature       