Verifying anonymous, banner, and other optional configuration information

Depending on your installation's choices for anonymous level, banner support chosen, exits, and so on, verification of support output will differ. To verify anonymous configuration at a particular installation, log in as anonymous and verify the behavior is as expected. For example, if EMAILADDRCHECK FAIL is specified in FTP.DATA, try to log in as anonymous using an incorrect email address as password. To verify banner support, login and verify the banners are displayed as expected. Below is a sample of FTP.DATA and FTP client output for one such installation.
; BANNER STUFF                            
EMAILADDRCHECK FAIL                       
BANNER USER1.TEST1                        
; ANONYMOUS STUFF                         
ANONYMOUSLEVEL 3                          
 IBM FTP CS V1R9  2006 349 01:35 UTC                                     
 FTP: using TCPCS                                                         
 Connecting to: port: 21.                                    
 220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V1R9 at HOSTA, 19:07:34 on 2006-01-08.              
 220-You have just read 'USER1.TEST1'                                     
 220-ADMINEMAILADDRESS is FTPADMIN@MYSYSTEM.COM                           
 220 Connection will not timeout.                                         
 NAME (                                                
anonymous no-email-pw                                                     
 >>> USER anonymous                                                       
 331 Send password please.                                                
 >>> PASS                                                                 
 530 PASS command failed. 