Customizing the CSSMTP configuration file to try mail again

When mail servers reply to commands that resources are temporally unavailable, CSSMTP can try sending mail messages again. CSSMTP implements the following two types of retry:

You can use these statements individually or at the same time to provide the best system environment for mail processing.

For example, the following statements set long retry to 1 hour and extended retry to 3 days:

  Count 6
  Interval 10
  Age   3
  Interval 60
  MailDirectory /var/cssmtp/CSSMTP/mail/
Tip: Because CSSMTP is a mail forwarder, the likelihood of receiving retry reply codes from a message transfer agent (MTA) is low. You are most likely to receive these errors when the MTA is also the home mail server for the mail recipients and the MTA reports errors that are related to the mailboxes of the recipients on the MTA. One possible error is that the mailbox is full.