PROFILE.TCPIP port assignments

Use the PORT and PORTRANGE statement in the PROFILE.TCPIP data set to reserve ports for specified user IDs, procedures, and job names.

Tip: The following example was used for test configuration and is for illustration only. The example shows a portion of SEZAINST(SAMPPROF), which contains the most current assignments.

PORT: Reserves a port for specified job names
;   - A port that is not reserved in this list can be used by any user.
;     If you have TCP/IP hosts in your network that reserve ports
;     in the range 1-1023 for privileged applications, you should
;     reserve them here to prevent users from using them.
;     The RESTRICTLOWPORTS option on TCPCONFIG and UDPCONFIG will also
;     prevent unauthorized applications from accessing unreserved
;     ports in the 1-1023 range.
;   - A PORT statement with the optional keyword SAF followed by a
;     1-8 character name can be used to reserve a PORT and control
;     access to the PORT with a security product such as RACF.
;     For port access control, the full resource name for the security
;     product authorization check is constructed as follows:
;     EZB.PORTACCESS.sysname.tcpname.safname
;     where:
;       EZB.PORTACCESS is a constant
;       sysname is the MVS system name (substitute your sysname)
;       tcpname is the TCPIP jobname (substitute your jobname)
;       safname is the 1-8 character name following the SAF keyword
;     When PORT access control is used, the TCP/IP application
;     USERID that is authorized to the resource. The resources
;     are defined in the SERVAUTH class.
;     For an example of how the SAF keyword can be used to enhance
;     security, see the definition below for the FTP data PORT 20
;     with the SAF keyword. This definition reserves TCP PORT 20 for
;     any jobname (the *) but requires that the FTP user be permitted
;     by the security product to the resource:
;     EZB.PORTACCESS.sysname.tcpname.FTPDATA in the SERVAUTH class.
;   - The BIND keyword is used to force a generic server (one that
;     binds to the IPv4 INADDR_ANY address, or the IPv6 unspecified
;     address, in6addr_any) to bind to the specific IP address that
;     is specified following the BIND keyword. This capability could
;     be used, for example, to allow z/OS UNIX telnet and telnet
;     3270 servers to both bind to TCP port 23.
;     The IP address that follows bind must be in IPv4 (dotted
;     decimal) or IPv6 (colon-hexadecimal) format and may be
;     any valid address for the host including VIPA and dynamic
;     VIPA addresses.
;   The special jobname of OMVS indicates that the PORT is reserved
;   for any application with the exception of those that use the Pascal
;   API.
;   The special jobname of * indicates that the PORT is reserved
;   for any application, including Pascal API socket applications.
;   Jobname may be specified as a prefix of zero to seven characters
;   ending in *.
;   The special jobname of RESERVED indicates that the PORT is
;   blocked. It will not be available to any application.
;   GUIDELINE: When IPSECURITY is enabled, UDP ports 500 and 4500
;   should either be reserved for IKED (if it is in use) or should
;   be marked RESERVED.
;   TIP:  The PORT statement can also be used to control application
;   access to unreserved ports by configuring PORT entries where the
;   port number is replaced by the keyword UNRSV.
     7 UDP MISCSERV            ; Miscellaneous Server - echo
     7 TCP MISCSERV            ; Miscellaneous Server - echo
     9 UDP MISCSERV            ; Miscellaneous Server - discard
     9 TCP MISCSERV            ; Miscellaneous Server - discard
    19 UDP MISCSERV            ; Miscellaneous Server - chargen
    19 TCP MISCSERV            ; Miscellaneous Server - chargen
   20 TCP *  NOAUTOLOG        ; FTP Server
    21 TCP FTPD1               ; FTP Server
    23 TCP TN3270              ; Telnet 3270 Server
;   23 TCP INETD1 BIND ; z/OS UNIX Telnet server
    25 TCP SMTP                ; SMTP Server
   111 TCP PORTMAP             ; Portmap Server (SUN 3.9)
   111 UDP PORTMAP             ; Portmap Server (SUN 3.9)
;  111 TCP PORTMAP1            ; Unix Portmap Server (SUN 4.0)
;  111 UDP PORTMAP1            ; Unix Portmap Server (SUN 4.0)
   123 UDP SNTPD               ; Simple Network Time Protocol Server
   135 UDP LLBD                ; NCS Location Broker
   161 UDP OSNMPD              ; SNMP Agent
   389 TCP LDAPSRV             ; LDAP Server
   443 TCP HTTPS               ; http protocol over TLS/SSL
   443 UDP HTTPS               ; http protocol over TLS/SSL
;  500 UDP IKED                ; CS IKE daemon
   512 TCP RXSERVE             ; Remote Execution Server
   514 TCP RXSERVE             ; Remote Execution Server
;  512 TCP * SAF OREXECD       ; z/OS UNIX Remote Execution Server
;  514 TCP * SAF ORSHELLD      ; z/OS UNIX Remote Shell Server
;  515 TCP LPSERVE             ; LPD Server
;  515 TCP AOPLPD              ; Infoprint LPD Server
   520 UDP OMPROUTE            ; OMPROUTE Server (IPv4 RIP)
   521 UDP OMPROUTE            ; OMPROUTE Server (IPv6 RIP)
   580 UDP NCPROUT             ; NCPROUTE Server
   750 TCP MVSKERB             ; Kerberos
   750 UDP MVSKERB             ; Kerberos
   751 TCP ADM@SRV             ; Kerberos Admin Server
   751 UDP ADM@SRV             ; Kerberos Admin Server
; 1700 TCP PAGENT NOAUTOLOG    ; Policy Agent pagentQosListener port
; 1701 TCP PAGENT NOAUTOLOG    ; Policy Agent pagentQosCollector port
  3000 TCP CICSTCP             ; CICS Socket
  3389 TCP MSYSLDAP            ; LDAP Server for Msys
; 4159 TCP NSSD                ; CS NSS daemon
; 4500 UDP IKED                ; CS IKE daemon
;16310 TCP PAGENT NOAUTOLOG    ; Policy Agent server listener port
; PORTRANGE: Reserves a range of ports for specified jobnames.
;   In a common INET (CINET) environment, the port range indicated by
;   the INADDRANYPORT and INADDRANYCOUNT in your BPXPRMxx parmlib member
;   should be reserved for OMVS.
;   The special jobname of OMVS indicates that the PORTRANGE is reserved
;   for ANY z/OS UNIX socket application.
;   The special jobname of * indicates that the PORTRANGE is reserved
;   for any socket application, including Pascal API socket
;   applications.
;   The special jobname of RESERVED indicates that the PORTRANGE is
;   blocked. It will not be available to any application.
;   The SAF keyword is used to restrict access to the PORTRANGE to
;   authorized users. See the use of SAF on the PORT statement above.
;   PORTRANGE 4000 1000 TCP OMVS
;   PORTRANGE 4000 1000 UDP OMVS
;   PORTRANGE 5000 6000 TCP * SAF RANGE1
Figure 1. Sample TCP/IP start up proc